It’s a tie! Democrats involved in the recount had the goal of counting every vote. On Wednesday the judge ruled that the result was a tie while also stating that a voter was erroneously turned away. It’s in the hands of a House panel at this time. Action is expected quickly.
So it’s time to get to work. I have had the good fortune of knowing Geraldo for a number of years. We volunteered together in electing Democrats before there was an open seat and Gerlado decided to run. He is a good solid progressive Democrat who votes his conscience.
Geraldo has a strong record. He has been a leader in public safety issues. He authored the new law that prohibits the sale or manufacture of dangerous “novelty lighters” in the Commonwealth.
Geraldo has also been active in other areas. He led the charge to return the Registry of Motor Vehicles to Southbridge. He bas been active in education issues, including the Education Reform Bill.
When marriage equality was an issue, Geraldo took the time to talk to constituents and listen to their stories. After studying the issue he voted to support the right to marry and was targeted because of that vote. He won reelection in 2008.
Now, Democrats across the state have the opportunity to ensure that he is re-elected to another term. Special elections are a great way to get to know active Democrats from across the state.
Republicans will be putting on a full court press. We need to do the same.
Plans are being made to start campaigning soon.. During the regular election cycle, we need to spend time in our own areas, but during specials we can have and impact in other areas. I ask you to do two things:
1) You can sign up to be on the campaign’s e-mail list by sending an e-mail to ashley AT
2) Donate to Geraldo using the personal link I just created.
Let’s use this election as an opportunity to get in fighting form for the 2012 elections.
eaboclipper says
p>And I’m being serious here. What makes you think there will actually be an election. Representative Michael Moran (D-Boston), who chairs the 3 member panel that will make a recommendation to the House, has been very forthright that it is the House, and the House alone that has the final say. If past performance is a predictor of future results, I strongly feel that there will not be an election. A judge ordered a new election in the Wheatley – Patrick race in 2001 and the legislature ignored the judge. Now Representative Moran is on record saying that Judge Tucker’s ruling is “just one piece of evidence” for Moran’s panel to consider.
p>So I ask the question Kate, what makes you think there will actually be an election? Because I think there is a strong 50/50 possibility there won’t.
christopher says
Is that like a “definite maybe”?
p>I don’t know what the circumstances of the Patrick race were, but if the race is an exact tie it seems like a do-over is in order, unless there is a constitutional provision for the House to break the tie.
eaboclipper says
is they can seat whomever they want in a situation like this, or call an election. It is their perogative, upheld by a 2003 SJC ruling. There is a good overview of the Patrick – Wheatley race here.
christopher says
It does appear the House was on firmer ground in that instance as they ultimately seated the person who officially won by 17 votes. This time the official result is an exact tie, so while they have the right to seat without election, I really don’t think they should.
brudolf says
Rob, in both your post here and on RMG you left out the part where Moran said he thought an election was “the strongest option” (Boston Globe). He also said that “evidence we have just heard from the judicial branch is going to be very strong evidence for us to consider” (Telegram). The story’s not complete without those quotes.
eaboclipper says
but he is equivocating enough to make me very suspicious. If there is a new election I’m more than thrilled. But I’ll believe it when I see it.
christopher says
…rather than spew such prejudicial cynicism?
david says
he wouldn’t be able to trash the Democrats.
eaboclipper says
After all it’s all George Bush’s fault.
kbusch says
sabutai says
In this case. I think it’s safe to presume House Democrats will do whatever they feel they can get away with.
peter-porcupine says
Has Galvin certfied the election as a tie?
p>The judge says so, but AFAIK the Secretary is silent.
p>That was a factor in the justification in the Wheatley election – another piece of evidence, as it were – that the Secretary had not certified pending the legal challanges.
p>HAS Galvin certified the tie per the decision? Because unless he does, it remains the Speaker’s choice.
eaboclipper says
The strongest option quote is right in my original RMG story
p>Followed directly by his equivocation.
kate says
But it would be my guess that it is more than a 50% chance that there will be a new election. So, we need to get to work.
peter-porcupine says
millburyman says
Lets get a couple of facts straight here shall we?
Geraldo defied the wishes of his constituents by voting for gay marriage in exchange for $500,000 for Southbridge. They’re still waiting for the money.
The Southbridge RMV office closed under his reign. Yep, a sure sign of his INeffectiveness.
Wow, so I have to buy my novelty lighter to set off my sparklers purchased in CT for July 4th. CT is a half mile away down Rt. 131. Way to drive businesss out of state. AGAIN!
Is that your best effort Kate? Thank you very much for the Peter Durant endorsement!
We Republicans are putting on a full court press too. We have had enough corruption. It must begin to end here.
chrismatth says
Although one of your facts is certainly “straight”, they certainly don’t appear to be valid…
p>If his constituents were so against his 2007 vote on gay marriage, why did they re-elect him in 2008?
p>If he’s so “innefective”, why did the RMV open a new Southbridge location in 2010?
p>If you had to drive to Connecticut in the first place to get your 1800 to 3000°F stick of fire , why not buy the lighter while you’re there? When I need a lighter, I go to Tedeschi’s and buy a lighter that doesn’t look like a child’s toy, but that’s just me I guess.
p>Got anything else? I hope you realize by promoting Rep. Alicea’s vote on gay marriage you are simply providing more incentive for BMGers to contribute, right? I just sent him $25.
kate says
I appreciate you donating through my page! Kate
chrismatth says
Thank you for setting it up! I replied to your very nice email but it bounced back – not sure why.
stomv says
millburyman says
You’re missing simple facts in your blind display of partisanship.
Alicea sold out his constituents for PROMISE of $500,000. The issue doesn’t matter. Southbridge never got the money. Ineffective.
Regaining what his district lost? Again ineffective. By the way, the RMV website doesn’t show it. That is what I went by. Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot. Democrats lie.
The voters of the 6th district voted him out of office.
Lets see: The Southbridge town clerk is related to Alicea. All of the issues in the entire district happened in ONE precinct in Southbridge. Hmmm. I smell stink.
kbusch says
This is just your bullshit fantasy of what happened. So to argue with you here is to argue with your bullshit fantasy.
p>Just a waste of time.
p>Come back when you have provable facts.
kirth says
It doesn’t? Sure it does.
kirth says
Republicans lie more.
kirth says
Here is the MA RMV page that lists the Southbridge office.
millburyman says
i apoligize for the statement about the website. Anybody know where exactly it is now?
How about the Turnpike in Charlton office closing? Yes, i know, that was a bad idea from the beginning. I personally like going to the Southbridge branch. No waiting.
kbusch says
It’s a waste of time to argue with your fantasies. That’s outside the realm of reality where there are no rules of evidence.
p>Come back when you have some provable facts.