How does a Lieutenant Governor accomplish those goals? Given the lack of a strict job definition, can an LG be something of a free agent diplomat of the administration? Silbert sees herself as a liaison between state government and the private sector, with an emphasis on economic development of the urban areas outside of route 495: Worcester, Pittsfield. She touts her connections with venture capital firms to encourage job development in these areas. She is close to Deval Patrick and says she has a "nice relationship with Tom Reilly", and says she would feel comfortable working with either as governor. [Reilly may have his own ideas about a "running mate."]
Of course, I had to ask her about health care. She ingenuously asked for my thoughts on the issue; I said I supported the MassACT/Health Care for All bill. She professes not to be a health care expert, but is certainly familiar with spiraling health care costs: after benefits and taxes, a $25,000/year position becomes $40,000 in a heartbeat. With surprising openness, she briefly discussed her own not-entirely-stable situation with health insurance. It just goes to show how the issue cuts across all socio-economic levels. She is concerned that statewide health care plans not be onerous to small employers.* Small business is absolutely on the front lines of the health care debate — her perspective and voice in the debate would be very welcome indeed.
Now, we also discussed fundraising and political viability a bit — I have to say that I’m really not interested in the expectations game at this early stage. The candidates have to make their impressions, and I think we observers should let the chips fall where they may. I think we’re still at a point where if you like a candidate, write a check.
But relevant to both politics and economic development, Silbert professes to actually enjoy fundraising. "It’s an opportunity to share a vision, and give people a chance to invest in that vision."
*(By the way, I’ve heard John McDonough of Health Care for All speak about that exact issue: It’s my distinct impression that the MassACT bill is structured so that it does not impose onerous mandates on small employers. From our interview with him: "small businesses (fewer than 100 workers) and their workers will be eligible for subsidies and support to make insurance purchase affordable." See here for more info.)
Thanks for taking this on. It’s amazing how little we can glean from the MSM on aspirants to this (potentialy) important office.