Here are the Senate Democrats who voted to invoke cloture, thereby guaranteeing that Samuel Alito will be confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice tomorrow:
Akaka (HI), Baucus (MT), Bingaman (NM), Byrd (WV), Cantwell (WA), Carper (DE), Conrad (ND), Dorgan (ND), Inouye (HI), Johnson (SD), Kohl (WI), Landrieu (LA), Lieberman (CT), Lincoln (AR), Nelson (FL), Nelson (NE), Pryor (AR), Rockefeller (WV), Salazar (CO).
Just in case you were wondering.
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I’ve yet to see a single good argument for those who voted “NAY” … not policy-wise (I oppose Alito in every way possible), but strategically. What was the next step if we got 40 votes? How long was the “Davos Filibuster” going to go on? Did John Kerry de la Mancha really think that his efforts would be seen as a principled stand, instead of the Quixotic and pointless stunt they were?
It’s one thing to shoot yourself in the foot on accident. Its another to line up your big toe in the cross hairs, remove the safety, and have rip.