Joe Trippi, who managed Howard Dean’s campaign and became a netroots celebrity in the process, posted this afternoon on Daily Kos endorsing John Bonifaz for Secretary of State of Massachusetts:
I wanted to take a second to point out a really important election – it’s the race for the Secretary of State of Massachusetts, and I’m endorsing John Bonifaz. I’m supporting John Bonifaz because at a time when our elections are becoming increasingly marred by vote count disputes, it is crucial to have someone as uniquely qualified as John in a position to ensure the integrity of the democratic process.
One of our priorities on the Bonifaz campaign is to raise some money online, and the national election reform movement could be a good source of support. Joe Trippi lends not only his solid experience with online fundraising, but also the perception that we can be successful with online fundraising, which is one of the key ingredients to actually be successful.
Take a look, and I hope you’ll recommend his diary.
Please share widely!
John Bonifaz will be speaking to the Watertown Democratic Town Committee tomorrow evening at 8PM at the Town Hall (lower meeting room). Everyone’s welcome.
Democrats here in MA should rally around this progressive, outsider campaign. Electoral reform is a serious political and legal problem in our time, and MA should be the leader. Galvin’s been in office long enough. We need new leadership in every political office in this state.
Was the Trippi endorsement conditional on Bonifaz supporters running around wearing orange hats on election day?