We are reliably informed that the Belmont Democratic town committee has endorsed Jarrett Barrios for Middlesex DA. The vote was 18 for Barrios, 6 for Gerry Leone, and 2 for Mike Festa.
Belmont is apparently the first town committee in Middlesex county to endorse in this race.
UPDATE: Alert commenter melbourne notes below that the Belmont DTC also endorsed Tim Murray for Lt. Gov., and also by a wide margin.
Please share widely!
melbourne says
In a somewhat surprising endorsement, Belmont also picked Tim Murray, 20 votes to 4 for Kelley, 2 for Silbert. Some have tried to paint him as a regional candidate, so this is suprising strength, early on, in a Boston burb. Some will look for strength in cities, and here’s strong support in a wealthy town.
david says
Thanks for the update. I hadn’t heard that part.
sco says
That’s a little surprising, as I thought she was well received when I snuck into a Belmont DTC meeting last month or so to hear her.
melbourne says
It went to a second ballot as I understand. First ballot 13 for Murray, 7 for Silbert, 5 for Kelley, not sure about Goldberg, but second ballot she got shut out, with movement to Murray.
fieldguy says
Murray’s corporate media spokesperson lives in Belmont, it turns out, so no surprise he ran strong there. When he doesn’t get insider endorsements, that’s when it’s a big deal.
susan-m says
I was under the impression that there is some unspoken, unwriten rule, well more like a guideline that DTCs don’t make endorsements before the primary. I guess I was mistaken.
I know that this type of thing would never fly in my DTC (Townsend), but then again, that might have more to do with the fact that we all rarely agree on anything. Which is not a bad thing, just a fact.
polk says
A friend in one of the DA races told me (and another friend from a lt.gov. campaign and another DA race confirmed) that the Belmont DTC thing was one big sham.
Apparently Belmont sent out the information about the endorsement meeting late Tuesday night (for a Thursday meeting) – with snail mail labels attached, and said “please mail our town committee members with endorsement information.” …
The rules for the meeting also forbade any campaign people from speaking to encourage support for their candidate…
That’s not an endorsement, that’s a sham and a scam, and any honest Democrat should be ashamed.
Belmont Democrats, I hope you’re embarassed. You’ve removed any shred of legitimacy from your group and its endorsement.
somedem says
Bob asks why the obsession with being “nicey nicey.” Polk’s posting is why!! This posting is offensive to me as a Democrat and as someone who came here to talk about issues. And yes, I agree that reasonable people can (and should) disagree. That’s part of what makes this blog and democracy so great…but it should get to the point of rumor and slander.
My point is I don’t have any idea of what went on in Belmont, neither does polk. if someone who was there wants to tell us and tell us the same thing as polk fine. but what if it was the process wasn’t this controversial. We have no way of knowing. At no point in this post does polk give us anything near proof other than that the info came from the rumor mill. Finally, polk i’ve read your other posts. There’s no question you’re festa supporter and that’s totally fine with me. But for me it makes your post even that more suspect.
Anyway, sorry to go off…I know this is the second posting i’ve had on decorum but like I said I came here to debate issues and people…in a reasonable, honest and safe way.
bob-neer says
I didn’t write the post about “Nicey-nicey,” I just promoted it to the front page so people could discuss the subject. The post was written by “DermotYair”
bob-neer says
Following up, I sent this email today to Sallye Bleiberg who is listed in a TownOnline piece as the BDTC contact:
Hi. This is a comment that was posted yesterday at BlueMassGroup.com. Would you or anyone else involved with the BTC care to comment? You can post direct to BMG, or reply by email and I will post your reply.
p> Yeah and it was an honest process too… (0.00 / 0) [delete comment]
A friend in one of the DA races told me (and another friend from a lt.gov. campaign and another DA race confirmed) that the Belmont DTC thing was one big sham.
Apparently Belmont sent out the information about the endorsement meeting late Tuesday night (for a Thursday meeting) – with snail mail labels attached, and said “please mail our town committee members with endorsement information.” …
The rules for the meeting also forbade any campaign people from speaking to encourage support for their candidate…
That’s not an endorsement, that’s a sham and a scam, and any honest Democrat should be ashamed.
Belmont Democrats, I hope you’re embarassed. You’ve removed any shred of legitimacy from your group and its endorsement.
The full TownOnline piece was as follows:
Democratic Town Committee to endorse state candidates
Thursday, January 12, 2006
The Belmont Democratic Town Committee will be holding its next meeting on Thursday, Jan. 19 at 7 p.m. in the Selectman’s Meeting Room in Town Hall to endorse Democratic candidates for the offices of governor, lieutenant governor and district attorney. The format of the evening will allow for a vibrant discussion of each of the candidates’ strengths and ideas. All Belmont Democrats are invited to attend and are encouraged to speak out on behalf of the candidates of their choice. While bylaws dictate that only full members can vote to endorse candidates, the BDTC is always looking to expand membership and welcomes all Democrats to participate in the process. For more information about the BDTC please contact Sallye Bleiberg at psbleiberg2@mac.com or 617-484-8392.
somedem says
sorry bob. should have written that more clearly. thanks!
fez says
This is the notice that went to all campaigns…emailed the day before the meeting:
—–Original Message—–
From: Gretchen McClain gmcclain@verizon.net
To: Andrea Silbert andreasilbert@comcast.net; Deb Goldberg DebGoldberg2006@comcast.net; Sam Kelley sam@samkelley2006.com; Chris Doherty cdoherty@gerryleone.com; Deval Patrick devpatrick@comcast.net; Festa, Mike – Rep. (HOU) Mike.Festa@MassMail.state.ma.us; info@tomreilly.org info@tomreilly.org; joeo@timmurray.org joeo@timmurray.org; info@barrios.org info@barrios.org
CC: Tim Riley triley@comcast.net; ‘Sallye Bleiberg’ psbleiberg2@mac.com; Will@Brownsberger.Us will@brownsberger.us; Barbara & Jim Miranda mirandas.belmont@verizon.net
Sent: Wed Jan 18 12:58:48 2006
Subject: Belmont DTC endorsement meeting 1/19/06
p> <> <>
Dear Candidates,
The Belmont Democratic Town Committee will be holding their meeting to endorse candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Middlesex District Attorney tomorrow evening Jan 19, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectman’s Meeting room in Belmont’s Town Hall. After much consideration, the committee has determined that while observers from a campaign may attend the meeting, spokespersons from the campaign will not be permitted to take the floor.
I want to take this opportunity to thank each of you for coming to meet with the Belmont DTC in the past months, and for sharing your vision for Massachusetts.
I have attached the list of voting members and associate members of the Belmont DTC for your use in your campaigns, as well as a file containing labels for these names.
Best Regards,
Gretchen McClain
Secretary of the Belmont DTC