Buried deep in Friday’s Globe story that floated the possibility of a Reilly/Gabrieli ticket was this tasty tidbit about Christy Mihos’s nascent campaign:
Mihos too appears to be looking for a lieutenant governor running mate. He met yesterday with former US representative Peter Blute, who was later a radio talk show host.
Now, those of you who are new to these parts may not remember the name of Peter Blute. But long-termers will remember that back in 1999, Blute – who at the time was the director of Massport – managed to disgrace both himself and the entire administration of then-Governor Paul Cellucci by using Massport money to fund a Boston Harbor booze cruise, which ended with one of the female passengers (named Gidget, appropriately enough) deciding it would be a good idea to flash her breasts to the Herald photographer waiting on shore. Which led to this now-infamous photograph being etched into the memories of all Massachusetts political junkies:
Needless to say, Blute’s political career was ruined – he resigned within hours of the photograph hitting the media.
As I’ve said before, Christy Mihos, while an unquestionably interesting guy who will liven up the Governor’s race substantially, can’t win. He’s too much of a loose cannon who will say or do enough outrageous things in the course of the campaign that too many people will be really, really nervous about installing him on Beacon Hill. Even considering Peter Blute as his candidate for Lieutenant Governor is an excellent step down that road.
…for electing people Governor who are “unquestionably interesting [people] who will liven up the Governor’s race substantially, [but] can’t win.” Especially ones who are “too much of a loose cannon who will say or do enough outrageous things in the course of the campaign that too many people will be really, really nervous about installing [them in the Governor’s seat].”
Just ask the people of Minnesota and California how true that is.
Look at the respective fates of Ventura and Arnold. One was a one-termer, the other sure smells like one…
Toast, anyone?
Arnold was a special case – a recall election with once-in-a-lifetime dynamics. Can’t happen here (our Constitution doesn’t have that procedure). As for Jesse, sure, that’s fair enough. But it’s happened exactly once, in the 230-year history of this country. That’s my point.
I heard a rumor that Blute may be considering a run against Ted Kennedy. The idea is that the booze cruise would be off the table when up against a candidate with indescretions of his own.
I don’t buy it, though.