The rumors noted most recently by our own melbourne have now been confirmed by Reilly campaign insiders whispering to the Globe: Tom Reilly is in serious talks with Chris Gabrieli about running as a Governor – Lieutenant Governor ticket, with an announcement possible in the next few days. Though the anonymous sources cautioned that there is no deal yet, it seems highly unlikely that they’d be talking to the Globe if a deal wasn’t close to a sure thing.
This strikes me as a regrettable development, Gabrieli’s limitless personal fortune notwithstanding. As several commenters on melbourne’s post noted (as well as on this post from over a month ago when this rumor first surfaced), Gabrieli did not exactly light up the joint when he ran as Shannon O’Brien’s Lt. Gov. candidate, and he has the unshakeable aura of “loser” attached to him because of the catastrophic O’Brien campaign. Plus, again as many others have already noted, he’s another middle-aged white guy – and one with no experience in public office, at that. Maybe someone can explain to me why (aside from the money) Gabrieli is such a superior candidate to Deb Goldberg, Andrea Silbert, Tim Murray, and Sam Kelley – personally, I don’t see it.
Oh, and Mariposa is pissed!
UPDATE: Andrea Silbert apparently thinks this is a done deal – she’s put out a press release “welcom[ing] Chris Gabrieli to the race for Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts” (adding “Remember … the voters decide in the end”). I haven’t found official confirmation yet – will update again if I find it.
FURTHER UPDATE: Adam Reilly has gotten his hands on a statement by Tom Reilly. It suggests that Silbert may have jumped the gun – Gabrieli isn’t in yet, nor has Reilly committed to running as a ticket with anyone:
There are several talented Democrats considering a campaign for Lieutenant Governor, including those who have already announced their intention to run. As I’ve said before, I want a strong partner in the Corner Office. Picking a running mate is one way, but not the only way, to achieve that. I’ll make an announcement in the coming days after I’ve made a final decision.
So there’s no final word yet. Stay tuned.
I think it was pretty pathetic of the Reilly folks to leak other names that were considered. It’s also stupid to say your campaign advisers are going to “huddle” this weekend, because if that’s really the case, and if he has to sell it to his “advisers” (read: donors), then that’s poor planning too. Reilly’s people really shouldn’t have leaked this as early as they did to people, because now he’s looking the exact opposite of a strong leader.
Particularly hilarious was the leaking of Marie St. Fleur who denied it, saying she was supporting Goldberg! It was also hilarious to read that Murray stormed into Reilly’s office and was pissed. Envisioning that picture in my mind is high comedy… Of course, I’m not surprised that he would be, because if this ends up happening, he’s the most screwed out of all the other LG candidates – Deval can’t pick him, and a bunch of his reps and sens endorsing him are with Reilly!
Of course, if Reilly backs down and DOESN’T pick Gabrieli, or anyone for that matter, he becomes even more of a Kerry-esque indecisive waffler than he already is.
As I’m writing this, I’m actually getting sad for the Dem party, because I can’t see how a Reilly/Gabrieli ticket beats Healey/Brown.
So, if this is all true, does Deval pick someone too?
I doubt it (but what do I know). Seems to me Deval has his hands full with beating Tom Reilly – why not just let the LG race play out on its own, and express confidence that any of the candidates would be an excellent choice (which seems true to me)?
It’s too late in the game for Patrick to pick a running mate. It’s almost too late for Reilly to do it, I mean one week before the caucuses? Patrick can’t afford to alienate whatever supporters the other LG candidates have ammassed. Reilly can; he’s the frontrunner.
I’m puzzled by your comment. I don’t think Patrick is about to pick a LG running mate, but hypothetically, if he were to, why do you think Reilly picking Gabrieli would make it such that Patrick couldn’t pick Murray? I don’t see the connection, nor do I see any other reason why Patrick couldn’t pick him.
There is already one Kerry Healy in this race, we don’t need another.
I actually like the large field of Lt Gov candidates, since they are new blood and all have interesting backgrounds.
More importantly I think is the media side to the Reilly people. They deserve points for getting this into the Globe for the free media and buzz, but the whole thing about considering Rep St. Fleur shows they aren’t ready for prime time.
Why would you have the Globe write they are considering St. Fleur when she was endorsing someone currently running? Shouldn’t you talk to her first so your stories can match up.
I agree with those who think it is a bad idea for Reilly, but even if it doesn’t happen, it shows major problems.