The “Christy Mihos for Governor” website is live: There’s not much up there yet – just a long-winded message from Mihos spouting generalities about why he’s running – but he does promise to post some of the “many bold ideas I have for overhauling state government” on the site in the future. There’s no hint anywhere of whether he’ll run as a Republican or an independent. Also, Mihos has contributed $50,000 to his campaign committee. Expect to see more of that kind of activity!
In other news, Christy’s Market (the business that made Mihos’s fortune when 7-11 bought it) was sued in 1998 for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act at several locations in Maine. Christy’s tried to have the suit dismissed on a technicality, but the Clinton Justice Department weighed in opposing the dismissal, and the Court rejected Christy’s motion. Court records indicate that the case settled shortly thereafter.
UPDATE: I tried to email the Mihos campaign for comment on this lawsuit using the email address on the website, Got a bounceback error: “Permanent Failure: 550_sorry,_no_mailbox_by_that_name.” Guess they’ve still got a few technical issues to work out over at Mihos HQ.
sco says
If Deval Patrick had hung on at the DoJ for another year, his name would likely be on that brief. Am I the only one who’s a little dissapointed that things didn’t work out that way? Probably.
tim-little says
You’re not alone on that one. I was wondering about possible DP connections myself. Ah, well….
tim-little says
“Unlike any of the other candidates, Democrat or Republican, I have extensive business experience, and am the only candidate who has ever created private sector jobs.”
Hmm…. Does this make Andrea Silbert a more compelling candidate for Lt. Gov.? (I know, I know…. Andrea didn’t directly create any jobs herself, but her CWE gig certainly takes a bit of the wind out of Christy’s sails on this one, I think.)
since1792 says
“We must continue to chart the same INDEPENDENT course ….. “
I guess we now see HOW he’s going to run …or not.
Too bad he never reserved though.
nopolitician says
Ah, so he’s running on the “government waste” platform, with a tip of the hat to the cheapskate party. Is he going to trot out some $100 hammers? Or will he run on the “you’ve earned your money, why should you be paying for X so that they have it easier than you”.
Otherwise known as the “anti-society” party.
It makes for good press, but has anyone ever made even a micrometer of dent in a government budget by “battling waste”?
frankskeffington says
Most state government agencies are still below 2001 spending levels (some in real dollars, the rest in adjusted dollars). Our local budgets are getting tighter and tighter, with layoffs and user fees up the wazo…nope, you can’t get water from rock Christy, so don’t try selling “governemnt waste” around here. That bird won’t fly.
cephme says
About a year ago the Libertarians tried to pass a referendum to cut city spending by IIRC 41 Million a year to reduce “wasteful spending”. They lost by a 5:1 margin.
george-phillies says
3+ years ago associates of the Libertarian Party (but not the LP itself, which did not endorse the referendum) put on teh ballot a referenduym to eliminate the State income tax which got well over 40% of the vote and carried ca. 150 towns and cities.
It may also have helped elect Romney, whose staff noted inexplicable extra votes for him, in large numbers, precisely where the Referendum did particularly well.
george-phillies says
until March 7 to fix his party registration as Republican or “Unenrolled”, or, God only knows, Green or Libertarian ro Communist or Prohibition. On that date, he must run with his registration.
He then has until May or August, depending on his choice, to collect enough signatures.
He can choose but he must choose soon.
cakestick says
any money being wasted on anything that the observer doesn’t agree with.
For instance, I think wasting money to pay corporations to support a war is “wasteful spending”. Call me crazy.