A person with an outstanding federal tax lien and delinquent student loans is not a suitable candidate for Lieutenant Governor in Massachusetts. St. Fleur should step aside.
Reilly supporters need to question the judgment of their candidate and the ability of his campaign staff for making this selection in the first place — and redouble that questioning if he continues to support St. Fleur as his “running mate.”
It is one thing to struggle with one’s finances as a private citizen. It is quite another to be in serious violation of federal tax and private loan obligations and simultaneously run for the #2 office in the Commonwealth — let alone the legislature. St. Fleur should establish that she can manage her own affairs before she tries to argue she can manage ours.
hoss says
First I’ve heard of that even being a possibility. I guess I was just resigned to defeat if she wins the nomination (which I don’t think she’s going to do if she stays in).
I think even if she stays in, it’ll be one of the Big 3 who’d been leading the pack before.
But wow.
wrdonkey says
The voters will decide who they think is acceptable. I may not think Dianne Wilkerson should be a senator based on her ridiculous history but she keeps getting reelected. If the voters really care about this issue with St. Fleur, they won’t back her.
alkali says
If the Democrats could “do over” the election until they won, it wouldn’t matter who ran the first time, because eventually we could find a winning candidate. But that’s not the situation here.
wrdonkey says
Boston.com is reporting now that she is dropping out of the race anyway.
david says