For a more open campaign
April 15, 2006
FOUR OUT of five candidates for governor in Massachusetts are refusing to make their tax returns available to the public, a break with tradition. In this arena, only Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly is making government more accountable to citizens by placing transparency above privacy.
Former Republican governors William Weld and Paul Cellucci released their tax returns with little fuss, as did all of the Democratic candidates in 2002. They understood that baring family finances is part of the price required of high public office. Governor Mitt Romney refused to release his tax filings in 2002. He now welcomes four new members to the secret society: Republican candidate Kerry Healey; Democratic candidates Deval Patrick and Chris Gabrieli; and independent candidate Christy Mihos.
Disclosure is especially important in the current race because all of the candidates, with the exception of Reilly, enjoy considerable wealth which they are expected to tap to finance their races.
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rightmiddleleft says
Basically you have some honest bloggers who are true to their progressive convictions that support disclosure .You also have the hypocrites who will protect their darling Deval Patrick at any costs for fear of the truth being disclosed that will hurt their candidate.