Ok, time to put up or shut up. As long as I get at least 20 Democratic governor’s predictions on this thread, I will mail the winner a T-shirt saying “I Won the Blue Mass Group 2006 Primary Prediction Challenge”. Please be honest and vote only once.
The poll format doesn’t fit numerical predictions, so in comments tell us your predicted percentages for Gabrieli, Patrick, and Reilly.
You may find it useful to consult the 2002 results that GoldsteinGoneWild has just posted on another thread.
I’ll start: Patrick 41, Reilly 32, Gabrieli 27.
Please share widely!
I think you meant the T-shirt to say “2006”!
It said “2002”, it’s now fixed. So what’s your prediction?
Naw, I’m too shy. đŸ˜‰
Patrick 49, Reilly 28, and Gabrieli 23
Gabrieli 38%, Reilly 33%, and Patrick 29%
Them’s fightin’ words.
Reilly 41%
Patrick 37%
Gabrieli 24%
…then I re-calculated them using the Blackwell-Harris formula. Odd.
Try again:
Reilly 40%
Patrick 36%
Gabrieli 24%
How inspiring! Our candidate will almost certainly be getting 4x% of the vote!
at the convention a few people in my area made our predictions. I think mine was Patrick 62%, Reilly 26%, Gabrielli 12%
Not too shabby, IMHO… I was surprised that Gabrielli made it. I thought he’d be a few points down.
not the just-finished convention.
Three down, 17 to go…
Well geez… that’s a whole ‘nother story!
How about…
Chris Gabrieli: 27%
Deval Patrick: 37%%
Tom Reilly: 35%
Blank/Other: 1%
Based on absolutely nothing other than my own interminable optimism.
I’m actually thinking to guess that the Governor’s race in September will be similar numbers to the LG delegate counts:
Deval 49%
Gabrieli 28%
Reilly 23%
…Gabrieli’s money in adds gives him a boost in the primary (but costs the dems in the general election), Reilly shoots himself in the foot one more time (figuratively speaking of course), and Patrick pulls off the big win.
So far it’s 5-1-1 predicting Patrick to win — keep the votes coming!
Patrick 40
Gabreilly 30
Reilly 30
Patrick 44
Gabrieli 31
Reilly 24