This is a shame because this could be a hugely important moment for the Democratic Party. It could be a turning point. And it could be a huge boost for the progressive movement.
After hours of difficult searches, I have learned that Businessman and rookie politician Ned Lamont is challenging three-term senator Joe Lieberman in the CT primary.
In the one or two posts I have found, Lamont describes himself as a progressive who cares about the people of Connecticut. Also in the limited commentary, writers have suggested that Lieberman, on the other hand, is ignoring the needs of Connecticut to further his own sense of importance.
I cannot say whether this is true or not because there are just not enough articles out there to read. So, if you could help me out and point me to some well written Lieberman / Lamont dairies, I would really appreciate it.
With your help, I will be able to get out in front of this event and write some hard-hitting diaries.
I would like to pick apart the right wing interpretation of events. I want to write about what other democrats are saying. I want to analyze the Washington D.C. Press perspective. I want to understand why Connecticut citizens might consider switching from a long time incumbent to a rookie. I want to know every detail of Lamonts platform. I want to know who Liebermans friends are – who he shakes hands with, who he kisses.
In short, I want to know what is going on in Connecticut and I am really disappointed that I cannot find anything on the subject.
(If you have not figured it out by now, this was intended to be a humorous piece 🙂
check in to daily kos throughout the day. Markos has been covering this race from the beginning. Go Ned!!!
You got me ;-). Wasn’t paying attention. Too much going on today.
I thought “what is wrong with this person” fortunately, your second comment came along pretty quickly…
BTW I posted this diary at Dkos – it got about 20 recommends, 25 comments, and 135 votes in the poll I attached…* Had I posted it later today, I bet it would have gotten lots more attention…
*At DailyKos, in my opinion, polls are a much better way to determine readership than comments or recommends…
As Crhis Bowers has blogged about, it’s odd that the other big primary senate fights — Akaka v Case in Hawaii(D) and Laffee v Chaffee in RI(R) aren’t getting nearly the same credit.
The idea of Ed Case in the Senate is really disturbing to me…
Also, what was Lieberman doing six years ago? Did he have widespread support from people within the party?
Does either candidate have a definition of bipartisanship, and how best to work with people on the other side of the aisle in D.C.?
I wish there were more information out there about this race, but it’s really been flying below the radar. I guess we can blame the mainstream media. . . .
The blogs have been silent as ghosts on it. I guess the two candidates are essentially interchangeable…
where you would expect the junkies to be talking about it, all I can find is a Deval Patrick feeding frenzy. I wonder if I can find out something if I Google—what’s his name?–Ed LaMonte and the other guy, Jody Liederman.
you all get the spirit of this diary…
Meanwhile DKos is nearly up to 1,000,000 hits today! That should pay Markos’ mortgage for a few months…
and the real-time returns start coming in. The place will slow to a crawl unless Kos had Jeremy pump some steroids into those servers.
I actually enjoy election nights on Kos, but tonight oughta be especially entertaining as I’m fearful for the sanity of some of those people if Lieberman wins.
I’m afraid we’ll have jumpers in the blogosphere…
SO what does it mean to “jump off a roof” in the blogosphere…
Is it like doing what Mel Gibson did recently – say all your deepest held undesirable secrets out loud?
there will be a drinking game on that site tonight, so there’s ample opportunity for a Gibsonian moment.