Nice piece by Michelle McPhee in the Herald today concerning Dan Conley considering perjury charges against Sen. Dianne Wilkerson. Wilkerson testified under oath that she was present when a Boston police homicide detective interrogated her nephew in 1994 about a killing. Wilkerson says the detective turned on and off the tape recorder at different times so as to change the facts and evidence against her other nephew who was later convicted. (I think)
But anyway it appears to be a “he said, she said” type situation. In my humble opinion Sen. Wilkerson is full of it. But maybe not. Who knows? Some cops do lie and fiddle with evidence. It happens all the time. And Boston homicide detectives have created a nice record of questionable investigative tactics with a smattering of incompetence. The Boston Phoenix has chronicled much of it.
So the cops are pissed that this felon would dare suggest that a Boston officer, a detective, a Boston homicide detective would in anyway do anything contrary to presenting the FACTS. How dare she.
What Should They Do About It?
Easy. Call Dan Conley. Pinocchio Conley, the Boston Police Puppet. The man who would not prosecute an incarcerated felon who wrote a letter to some other bad guys telling them to kill the assistant district attorney that put him behind bars. The same man who will never prosecute police officers who commit criminal assault. The same Dan Conley that through misfeasance and neglect allows criminal enterprises to fester within the Boston Police Department. The same Dan Conley who refuses to prosecute or request a judicial inquest for the killings of innocent civilians by Boston police officers.
Hey Dan, what’s going on with that homicide prosecution of the immigrant who ran down the Northeastern student during the Pats Super Bowl celebration years ago? You know the one, where he was driving and the mob of drunken students would not let him through, so he backed up, to be met by BPD all decked out in riot gear who ordered him in no uncertain terms to drive back to where he came from, meaning the mob of kids tipping over cars. So the Haitian or Jamaican guy, who had a few drinks in him, started thinking about where he came from and what his chances are when he is in between a mob set on violence and Police with guns, and bats, and dogs, and prisons. He gunned it towards the mob.
It’s a great story to be told in front of a jury. When’s that going to happen Dan? Protecting the police from looking stupid again, Dan.
But anyway, I digress. One of the biggest issues in the judicial system is perjury. One of the biggest issues in urban crime fighting is trust of police officers. People in the “community’ see dishonest cops all the time. The see abusive cops all the time. Many have experience with cops lying under oath. Many white decent middle class suburban people have had the occasion to experience a police lying about something they did. You can’t do anything about that.
Now Dan Conley is saying, if you ever testify differently that that of a Boston Police officer then I will go after you. Nice warm and fuzzy feeling when you see something go down.
Dianne Wilkerson will be singing this to the community. A community that has life experiences making this a reasonable assumption.
That’s why O.J. was found not guilty. Marsha Clark told the jury that an LAPD officer would never lie. She had no credibility from the get go. Just like Boston P.D. and Dan Conley.
See what I mean about this guy Conley. He hurts a hell of a lot more than he helps.
Call to Michael Flaherty!
Globe writes about the case today and names the police officers. Also quotes the pastor who verifies Wilkerson’s account of the events.
The story named the detectives. I believe there have been questions raised ion the past about other homicide investigations involving these detectives.