What the heck am I doing here?
Good question, I’m sort of wondering that myself…
First, I’m refreshed by the fact that bluemass has an average maturity level roughly 20 years higher than some of the national blogs like dailykos. Not to say there isnt a fair amount of sillyness here, but I like the fact that there is real, honest to goodness debate going on in some of the threads. Very often, I find it difficult to get to any level below the platitudes and codewords with the left, and here it seems like some of your real underlying (if potentially unpopular) beliefs are on display. In a free exchange of ideas, thats a good thing.
Also, sometimes I like to debate liberals. I’ve considered commenting on some of your posts on my own blog, but what fun is that? Seems more useful to do a rapid fire debate right on the thread. Anyway, sometimes its the opposing ideas that inspire me to write.
I’ll try to act civilly, but I half expect to be kicked out in short order regardless…
Wow, all the pre-election crap that’s going on, and we’re STILL 20 years ahead of dailykos? That’s especially shocking considering I’m only 22. đŸ™‚
I find it difficult to get below the codewords on the right myself, so maybe together we can figure this whole thing out. And don’t worry about getting kicked out, I don’t think that’s even possible under normal circumstances, and indeed I think the leaders of this blog are always looking for more people with different viewpoints.
Fire away on the right wing code words, I can’t claim to represent the right wing but I’ll do my best to explain them.
As for dkos, check out the current sarcasm dripping front page right now, including such gems as:
“Scaaaaary brown people are invading Rhode Island.
I wonder what “moderate” Lincoln Chafee thinks about this NRSC fear-mongering. Apparently, it’s bad that Laffey, a real wingnut mind you, didn’t put Mexicans in concentration camps as mayor of Cranston.”
by kos himself… I guess organizations do tend to emulate their leaders…
We’ve got some Republicans here already, one in particular who is a very regular poster, as I’m sure you noticed. From the style of your writing here, you don’t seem like the sort who’s likely to be ostracized, just roundly criticized for your views đŸ™‚
I mostly left dailykos and shifted most of my national politics blog attention to MyDD, gradually during 2005, because the level of discourse at dailykos put me off, so I know what you mean. On the other hand, when I did post good stuff on dailykos, I got very good comments.
P.S. You might want to include a little about your blog, and a link to it, here in this post of yours.
I hadnt noticed the republican poster – who is it?
(other answers in other post, sorry)
I will say that the conservatives who post and stick around here are very good sports, and they contribute a lot to the site. We libs are comfortable here, but not too comfortable, and that’s good.
At this point, DailyKos has a real variety of community. There are reasonable people there, and a lot of unreasonable people. That’s kind of like the electorate as a whole: Anyone who’s ever done canvassing knows that there are a lot of cranks out there. The scary ones are the cranks who agree with you vehemently.
Cos, you’ve done a lot of this: What percentage of the public is made up of certifiable cranks? I’d guess it’s well over 10% … maybe 25%.
Oh yes, and do read our rules. Yup, we have rules.
I’ll do my best on the rules while here. I’ve put my first post into an obviously incendiarily leftist thread as a personal test. I even neglected to mention that I really like Cheney đŸ™‚
Lets see – what else – oh yea dkos reply – well that community is HUGE so I’m not at all surprised that there is some decency and intelligence buried in it, but really I have to go by the front page. If the front page makes me hold my nose, then I don’t understand why erstwhile decent and intellegent folk would lurk within. (I’ve heard they’ve been leaving over some of the more mobbish actions lately, actually. I find this interesting.) I am astounded in general by the phenomenon of dkos, and I haven’t yet figured out if it is a boon or a bane to the democrats. I suspect (hope?) the latter.
My blog is antivenom (http://antivenom.blo…) and I haven’t posted a whole lot in it this year. I’d like to but sometimes its easier to dash off a thread entry than a standalone somethingsomething. Caution: my blog is, and will continue to be incendiary. For example: I called Bill DelaHunt a traitor to his country for negotiating oil deals with Hugo Chavez. That’s probably the worst of it, I’m not an Ann Coulter clone or fan even. I’m pretty rabidly anti communist though.
Welcome aboard and observe the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts in full bloom. BMG needs more bloggers like you. The kissy face between most of the libs that blog here sometimes makes you shake your head and wonder….And God bless Dick Cheney.
Almost implies that you’re hear just to naysay, rather than contribute. Mm…awfully combative.
But hey, my nick is Genghis Khan’s favorite general, so who am I to say? Welcome, and I look forward to your constructive input.
… this is the same nick I use on my blog, where it does in fact mean I’m out to do some demolition of leftist theory and practice. I didn’t choose it for bluemass in order to seem combative; in any case if I am at all successful in demolishing some of your notions, I suspect that it will not be via naysaying or combativeness…
And I was sincere in my welcome. If you’re interested in building up right-wing notions as much as tearing down left-wing ones, I look forward to reading what you have to say.
…you won’t get kick out of here for ideas, unlike places like redstate that ban people for their comments.
That is highly ironic, as I personally almost got kicked out of redstate for saying soemthing like: “torture is a PR problem, nothing more”
I disagree with your premise though; I see mob mentality much more prevalent on the left blogosphere than the right.
…or certainly dailykos, have so many members that it is literally mobbed with posters–hence the mod mentality. Red State doesn’t get the same traffic so they just show a sheep mentality.
But at least the mobs at kos allow for dissent–one of those key ideas that make America a great country and the conservatives at Redstate are frankly unAmerican to oppose it.
And speaking of dissent…”torture is a PR problem and nothing more”. You’re a barrel of laughs.
dkos allows dissent? hah! just so long as you don’t say a whisper about supporting lieberman, or staying in Iraq, or being at all critical of kossack tactics, right?