Just saw that Mitt Romney came to the defense of Kerry Healey’s shellacking in last night’s debate. He says Deval’s $1 billion figure is false. (Deval says $1 billion of new taxes have been imposed on the Massachusetts taxpayer under Romney/Healey)
I did a little Googling, but I wasn’t able to find the figures to back up one claim over the other. Can I get a little help?
Please share widely!
First he said:
Then later he said:
Factchecking this one will take some time.
a bit later:
Hard to figure out which one of the three claims to factcheck, but we at least know at least one of the 3 statements, and possibly all three, was a lie.
a LIE! Such strong words, gary.
I mulled over whether to use “false” or “lie” for a few moments before deciding on lie. My choice of “lie” was a decided choice.
Mr. Patrick’s more damaging, decided choice was uttered within seconds of the beginning of the debate when most of the audience was still watching and listening.
It was no excited or spontaneous utterance there. It wasn’t emotional; it was intentional and thoughtful and planned and therefore sleazy.
Then, later in the debate his statement was altered and maybe corrected for culpable deniability.
IMHO, Mr. Patrick’s first statement that the Romney administration was responsible for $985 Million of new fees and taxes was a lie. IMHO.
…about pinning down any candidate on numbers like that.
One: You know he’s talking about fees, fines, and property taxes that went up because local aid went away, and you know there’s no way anyone knows how much that is. Romney’s a liar for calling it a lie, ’cause he doesn’t know, either.
Two: The numbers at this stage are for effect; they get thrown around like sorority house pillows, and nobody takes them seriously. What Patrick is using the numbers to say about the taxes “shell game” is valid. Healy made so many outrageous claims Monday night there wouldn’t be time before the election to check them all out. Save your factchecking chops for tracking down who’s doing the nasty push-polling that people are starting to report. That’ll tell you all you need to know.
This was posted elsewhere on BMG, courtesy of the Patrick campaign. Sorry, Gary, that it didn’t take as long as you would have liked…
The pdf simply proves that statement 1 was a lie. Now, we’ll examine statements 2 and 3.