Maybe I’m wrong but it seems to me that almost everyone who writes posts specific to Tim Murray are paid campaign staff. From SSL to FraminghamDem, who are these campaign staffers and why don’t they simply disclose their status in their blogs?
Does anyone like Murray enough to blog about him and not collect money for doing so?
Isn’t there some rule about that?
Please share widely!
Im sure folks say the same thing about me with regards to the Silbert campaign. (Yes I volunteer, but I am not staff in any way, shape or form.) I assume SSL and FramDem are in the same league. But their talking points are so predictable; I hope I mix it up a bit to be fresh for readers. Actually SSL and FramDem seem to have just reappeared on the scene where have you guys been? Vacationing do you have any photos to share?
Although, has anyone seen SSL and FramDem in the same room with anyone of these folks?
FrankS…How did Migraine miss you and Hoss? He must have been off for a bit trying to talk his pal Mike Festa into running against Gerry Leone on stickers…as he told us last December, Leone doesn’t have a chance!
SSL, FramDem, Highhopes, Smitty, you and the rest of the Murray crew do know each other and probably share notes. Now I know you won’t believe me, but I have no idea who hoss is. No idea. Hard to believe, but true.
FrankS…I do not even remember seeing a poster named “SSL” never mind know him/her…same goes for the one you refer to as “Smitty”…truth be told, I had always assumed considering the spelling gaffes that FraDem and the kid with the Highhopes were from the students4murray group which is a small army of college kids from any one of the Worcester area colleges …and, in fact, I have sparred with highhopes on this site…
With all due respect to BMG and the other blogs, given the need to get expensive advertising on tv, I don’t think the Murray campaign could afford to pay these guys/girls or anyone else to waste time and resources posting on blogs that are read by 50 of the same people everyday. Blogging is more for zealous volunteers like you and Hoss or people that can’t find anything good to watch on tv and love politics, like me.
As for “sharing notes”…I have tried to make my postings thoughtful and to the subject…and sometimes with humor…I do not have three degrees like Andrea, but I do have two, and I do not need to “share notes” with students in Worcester County or Springfield or Boston.
I’m glad to see young people excited about a candidate, even when they go a little overboard with their enthusiasm. As a member of the lamest Democratic State Committee in the US, I can tell you we sure need more young folks to get involved…or the end is near…I don’t think we should attack their attempts at involvement.
If you track the posting histories of all of the posters you will surely see that 90% are definitely partisan for one candidate or another…anyone can rattle off the frequent flyers here for Deval, Chris or Tom, as well.
The only candidate I cannot do that for is Deb Goldberg. She is buying the race on TV…she and her circle of high paid consultants feel no need to even read blogs. Migraine is attacking the wrong people, in MY opinion.
And more of a valid point. I’m not saying that Murray campaign staff are paid to blog, I’m saying that in addition to their paid duties they come to BMG and write little news releases under the guise of “Hey, I’m just a regular voter for Tim Murray,” when in fact that is not the case. My attack was an invitation for disclosure, not saying that these students should go back home and leave the Democratic process. As a student myself, that would be a rather odd thing for me to say.
Two of these excited young people are paid staff, and correct me if I’m wrong but sometimes being paid to work on a campaign can increase enthusiasm, no?
Every campaign comes to BMG and post newsy bits favorable to their candidate…to think otherwise would be as naive as believing that Leone was the last man standing in the DA field because Festa, Barrios and Koutoujian (sp?) all wanted to drop out to spend more time with their families.
The handwriting was on the wall, the poll numbers spoke volumes, and the press and fundraising were clearly going in Leone’s direction.
That had Jarrett dropped out of the race before Festa, Festa would walk with a win. Maybe?
I hardly think pointing back to a contested race that became last man standing says anything months later…
is a Murray supporter who is not on the campaign staff. She wrote an excellent post about Murray’s environmental record just this week.
I support Tim Murray. I’ve held signs for him, given him money, and distributed literature for his campaign. Not everyone posting here is outspoken in their support for Murray, but that doesn’t mean we don’t exist.
I am a Tim Murray supporter and blogger. I am no way affiliated with his campaign; I am actually at school a few hundred miles away. I was pointed to this site by my roommate, a Ned Lamont staffer from CT. As a Murry supporter I sincerely hope that Tim does NOT pay either of these bloggers because the message they are sending is redundant and does not show the best side of that campaign.
On another note, are people REALLY going to vote for Bonifaz? His ideas on voting rights seem solid, but anyone familiar with 1 Ashburton Place will tell you that it is only one small portion of the vast responsibilities that are required of the Secretary of State. I hope the voters are not short sighted.