Where the hell do they come up with this? Well, at Deval’s Rally for Change, there were some of the usual crazy people who came out – looking to get their cause on the camera. In years past, they would be Nader supporters going to an Al Gore rally. Yesterday, they were “Laroush” supporters cult-members heckling Joe Lieberman (who couldn’t resist trying to label them as Lamont supporters, even though it was a Lamont supporter who forced the guy to leave the debate).
At Deval’s big rally, some group held up a sign about Palestine. Not only did it have nothing to do with Deval’s campaign, but Deval Patrick supporters blocked the sign effectively for most of the rally. So effective was their efforts to block the sign that Hub Politics used video footage from either before or after the rally as their so-called “evidence.”
I know I’m not the only person here who went to that debate. I know I’m not the only one here who saw what went on. When those people put up that sign at first, it was a distraction and the crowd quieted down and was clearly annoyed – then Deval’s supporters sprung into action and people stopped worrying about it after ten or fifteen seconds. There’s not much you can do about people bringing a sign into the Boston Common – it’s public property and a matter of free speech, whether we like it or not.
However, the truth is important – and also something Hub Politics has a difficult time grasping. So, I’m calling on ANYONE who has pictures of the event to send them to me (darthDOTadamsATNOSPAMgmailDOTcom) or to post them in the comments. I’ll put them on my website and use it as evidence to Hub Politics in my quest to demand an apology. Thanks!
I would recommend removing the link to their blog. They continually mislead, slander, and make ridiculous accusations like this one. They’re blog is a joke, and they don’t deserve the increased traffic or the higher Google page rank that will come from a link.
Those guys crack me up.
They are the same ones that simply don’t want to face reality (i.e. a Gov. Patrick in a few months) by “simply not believing” every single independent poll that is conducted showing Deval with a huge lead but absolutely believing the Healey campaign’s assertions that they are much closer in internal polling (for which, of course, no crosstabs, questions asked, or even numbers themselves are released). So no surprise on this anti-semite charge.
Sorry Hub Politics, but trying to import the type of low-down, lying gutter politics that works for Bush and Rove won’t spin here in Massachusetts.
In fact I went over as soon as I saw the banner. Here’s what I observed for over half an hour, as I kept a close observation for the entire time.
There were two people. The first one insisted on hiding his face with a bandana AND continually filming everyone around him. The second man was a heavy set man, that seemed to be taking orders from the masked man.
They were clearly hostile and only interested in trying to imply to casual observers that they were part of the Democratic Rally. Within a few minutes of my begining observation, the Deval Patrick/Tim Murray, visibilty team arrived and succeeded in blocking the Banner with Deval/Murray signs on long strapping.
So, if there is ever a lineup of Healey/Hillman Operatives, I’ll be glad to come by in pick them out. No doubt in my mind that they knew they were in Hostile territory and didn’t belong where they were. That is why Bandana was so paranoid and continually filming anyone that came within 10 feet of him.
I was wondering when this would pop up out of the right wingnut crowd and I now have my answer. Here’s my reply F**k you Kerry Healey, we’re not going to take any more of your dirty tricks.
If anyone has pictures of Bandanaman, with his mask on, this can be cleared up in short order…