As the Patrick bio is told, Deval went to Harvard Law school, and won the Moot Court Competition–no small feat that surely had an impact on his being hired by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.
The only problem, Harvard insiders say, is that Moot Court is a multi-criteria competition that includes the “lawyer’s good standing”. Patrick won the competition, but that was due in part to his having full points for “good standing”.
Oppo-researchers–most likely from the Healy Camp, have uncovered that Patrick’s Head of House failed to report his curfew infraction for 2 months–UNTIL THE MOOT COURT COMPETITION was over. Patrick was then quietly given the demerit, but without any impact on the previous competition.
Coincidence? Jeff Abrams is quoted as saying, “Harvard was desparate to show diversity in its Law School, and was failing miserably. Nothing could look better for the school than having a black student win Moot Court.”
So what is more likely, that the Head of House actually FORGOT, but then REMEMBERED 2 months later? Or that the Head reported as usual and the school suppressed it until later?
A pattern is starting to emerge here…
kajfkjfkljakjfajf what?
It’s a little hard to tell…
someone say that this is a post in the same vain as the Dems for Healey posts. If not, then I respectfully begin weeping at the new low this campaign has gone to.
I hear that Deval’s first semester average in Calculus was 89.4, but the teacher rounded it up to an even 90.
Can we find out if he has a cat? If so, we really need to find out what kind of cat food he buys. If he buys the cheap stuff, we go on the air with negative ads that he lives in an expensive house and feeds his poor cat cheap food. If he buys the good stuff, we go on the air with negative ads that he is a liberal elite that favors cats over working people.
If Deval only has a cat we need to raise the “dog card” and wonder why he discriminates against dogs. Just like the liberal elite to only like the cats.
Deval and his family have two lovely Labs, one yellow and one chocolate. I have met them and can attest that they are not underfed.
But then anyone who has a Lab (as I do) knows how difficult it is to keep them on a reasonable diet. A vet once told me that 90% of stomach surgeries on dogs are done on Labs because they will swallow anything they can get their mouths around. Or, as a friend of mine put it, a Lab is “a mouth with a dog attached!”
I’m surprised this information isn’t on the campaign website. When will the press people get their act together and give us all the talking points we need to anticipate things like this that go directly to the heart of voters’ concerns? I, for one, am fed up with the secrecy that has plagued this campaign.
This liberal elite is allergic to cats. Dogs scare the be-jezus out of me too. I like plants.
Cactus lovers for Deval. 😛
he only brushes his teeth for ONE minute, and not the recommended two!!!
How can we trust him to implement healthcare when he doesn’t even care about his own teeth?
how about using tags for funny posts. You know like snark, funny, teasing, etc. Most of the time it’s pretty obvious, but it’s always nice to help the humor-impaired. 🙂
Just sayin’
There’s a cure for that now, you know — or at least prosthetic devices that can help the humor-impaired live a full, productive life. 😉
OK, I didn’t really find this record in my collection, in the interest of full disclosure. Make your own here.
How did we miss that one?! That’s hilarious!
I LOVE the wikipedia explaination about vinyl records. I guess there are some folks out there who would need some background on that. LOL
That wikipedia entry made me feel “wikid” old.
If Muffy “pulls this out of her hat” it basically means that her internals are showing that this race is over. And it’s not pretty for her.
Say it Ain’t So is not going to make this go away.
Neither the Globe nor the Herald have anything on their websites about this, but they may have stories in press tomorrow. As of now, other sources are reporting that Harvard Law School is “refusing to comment” on the situation. It’s one thing to have “no comment” or, if you’re the Dean’s Office, to say, “we have no idea, this happened 30 years ago,” but to “refuse to comment” is quite telling.
Look for this to be a new Healy talking point in the next few days.
Is this a rehearsal for Halloween?
Okay, I’ll make a confession. I know three (yes, 3!) dogs names Zoe. One of them just moved to North Carolina, and one of them is owned by our candidate.
Here’s a picture of the other one:
You’re actually serious. Scary shit, man.
Can this be the law abiding Deval that I know? I was just about to deduct points from his score because I thought he was too much of a straight-laced nerd. I calculate that every demerit point Deval got at Harvard is worth at least another 10,000 votes for him on November 7th.