Contestant | Healey | Mihos | Patrick | Ross |
davemb (Sept) | 34 | 10 | 52 | 4 |
rollbiz (Sept) | 41 | 11 | 46 | 2 |
TeaJay (Sept) | 39 | 14 | 45 | 2 |
ShillelaghLaw (Sept) | 45 | 5 | 49 | 1 |
Peter Porcupine | 48 | 5 | 46 | 1 |
pablo | 36 | 13 | 50 | 1 |
lolorb | 32 | 10 | 56 | 2 |
Greg | 35 | 8 | 56 | 1 |
ProgressiveMan | 39 | 7 | 53 | 1 |
petr (rounded) | 29 | 4 | 67 | 0 |
Please share widely!
Patrick- 52%
Healey- 36%
Mihos- 10%
Ross- 2%
Patrick: 63%
Mihos: 13%
Ross: 1%
Desperate Loser: 23%
And she never figures out why the digging doesn’t get her out of the hole.
p> – Dan
Here’s the winner:
Patrick: 50%
Healey: 38%
Mihos: 11%
Ross: 1%
If not, no biggie…If so:
Patrick 51%
Healey 37%
Mihos 10%
Ross 2%
I didn’t think Healey would continue to run ads that cause people not to like her. However, that seems to be the game plan, eh?
Can I submit my entry at 7:59PM on November 7th?
As to revising, I suppose it’s ok but it doesn’t count as a new entry toward
the goal of 20. If your old entry wins the second-place person gets the T-shirt.
So I think we have seven entries to go…
I’ll go with my new numbers on that rule.
Healey: 859k votes (43%)
Deval: 1043k votes (52%)
Christy: 110k votes (2%)
Grace: 30k votes (1%)
Now for the slogan…..
Patrick – 48%
Healey – 30%
Mihos – 18%
Ross – 4%
If the race doesn’t tighten up, I think a number of people are going to be extravagant with their votes. That’ll help the minor candidates, but not change the ultimate headline – Patrick Stomps Healey.
if rash speculation now is what it takes to gets in the pool before your 25 vote cutoff, I say:
Deval 49, Healey 42, Mihos 8, Ross 1
In the Primary Tim Murray proved that people can win over money…now we’re going to find out if hope can win over money is on the people and the hope.
Patrick/Murray- 52 %
Healey/Hillman- 37 %
Mihos/Sullivan- 9.5 %
Ross/Robinson- 1.5 %
Healy – 34%
Mihos – 9%
Patrick – 54%
Ross – 2%
Blank/Write-in – 1%
Patrick 52
Healey 35
Mihos 11
Ross 2
Patrick 50%
Healey 38%
Mihos 10%
Ross 2%
Patrick 56
Healey 39
Mihos 4
Ross 1
The winner: Massachusetts.
Patrick 49
Healey 37
Mihos 13
Ross 1
Turnout 57%
Maybe Mihos will get more of the meathead vote + conservative independents than we expect thus doing what he intended to do all along – spoil it for the Republicans.
Patrick 49%
Healey 32%
Mihos 18%
Ross 1%
Patrick 45%
Healey 40%
Mihos 12%
Ross 2%
Tom Reilly write-in votes: 52 (votes, not %)
I hope they actually count them, b/c there will be a lot more than 52 Reilly votes, he’ll be in the high hundreds.
Healey 33%
Mihos 4%
Patrick 62%
Ross 1%
Patrick 55%
Healey 31%
Mihos 10%
Ross 4%
So official entries are closed. I’ll revise the chart to include the new entries as soon as I can get to it.
Patrick 49
Healey 42
Mihos 8
Ross 1
Patrick: 48
Healey: 43
Mihos: 8
Ross: 1
What happens when you win your own T-shirt?
I’m actually looking pretty good at the moment — my best shot is if some confident lefties switch to Ross, not that I’d want that to happen. My margin is 18, which off of the polls last week looks too small.
His total error is 2, best of the 29 entries (including one withdrawn and two submitted after the close). There was a 3-way tie for the greatest error of 26 between Peter Porcupine (who also got the order of finish wrong), danseidman (who predicted a 40-point Patrick blowout), and mrigney (who had Mihos at 18). All three of these predictions made sense strategically, of course, because they cornered the market on a large part of the result space rather than competing for a tiny bit of the space around the likeliest result.
My error of 10 was the best of the four September predictions and tied for ninth overall.
I’ll post more complete results on a separate thread. The slogan I’ve picked is: “MA-GOV 2006: Deval Did It– I Called It”. My daughter is working on the shirt now.