In today’s Boston Globe there was a response to the Letter to the Editor that I submitted regarding John Adams’ defense of the British in the Boston Massacre
The letter writer clearly missed my point and made a few miscalculations. First off, John Adams was NOT a staunch Puritan, but rather a Unitarian. Secondly, the defense and justification raised by Adams was not the important factor, but rather his defense of the criminal justice system which made Adams’ decision so honorable.
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danseidman says
The response completely missed or deliberately ignored your point. Illegitimi non carborundum.
p> – Dan
ronumd says
On the Chaos in Motion blog The poster “Granted” decried by “Idiotic” History Lesson:
And here is my response:
Clearly this “author” (like the Globe writer) declined to address the fundamental issues that this story should have raised.