As such, Freda’s campaign has been an entirely negative one. She has yet to provide a rationale for why she should be elected. As far back as April, Freda questioned Flanagan’s priorities in passing legislation to provide for more school nurses across the state. Never mind that it takes a good legislator to pass a bill when it has no obvious constituency in the state house. In Freda’s narrow world, a legislator’s only responsibility is to the 43,000 residents of our city, the children of Massachusetts be damned.
Freda’s contempt for the representative and the school nurse measure is so strong, that she suggested last week that Flanagan pushed the bill because she is beholden to others:
“Who told her school nursing was a priority? Her mother who is a nurse? Mary Jane (Simmons, former state representative who lanagan was an aide for), who used to be a nurse, and all the Mass. Nurses Association that have been pushing her for a couple years,” Freda said.
Suggesting that a former state representative who died in office while proudly representing this city is a special interest no different from a union group is unbelievably crass and shameful.
She followed that up with a smear mailing suggesting that Flanagan advocates letting level 3 sex offenders attend state colleges. In response to Flanagan’s claim that banning sex offenders from attending college when they return from jail would be unlawful, Freda said “hiding behind the Constitution on that isn’t appropriate.”
Hiding behind the Constitution? Last I knew, state reps were supposed to uphold and defend the Constitution, not take stands on issues for political gain. But Freda believes that Flanagan would have been better off to demagogue the issue instead of defending the constitution.
In the debate last night, Freda criticized Flanagan for working on issues facing the Wallace Civic Center in Fitchburg, the state prison in Gardner, the Worcester County House of Corrections, and other projects in surrounding towns. She even criticized her for hiring an aide who lived in Winchendon (the horror!). It is clear that Freda believes that a representative’s only concern is inside the borders of the town she lives in.
I’m worried that Freda would have a hard time representing us in Boston. It seems like she’d go absolutely crazy having to travel through Lancaster, Harvard, Littleton, Acton, Concord, Lincoln, Arlington, Cambridge, and Boston to get to the state house. I can’t imagine what that commute would be like after a few years of Freda representation; it sounds like in her world, the roads, bridges, and services in each of those cities and towns would completely crumble because all of the money was funneled to Leominster. I’ve got an idea. Let’s move the State House to Leominster too!
Oh, and let’s not forget the tired, old, “the Democratic party isn’t the same party I grew up in” tripe. She’s trotted that out a couple of times as well. She thinks the party is too liberal, that it doesn’t represent the same values it did when she was growing up. that it doesn’t speak to the issues of working families, and so on and so on. Let’s be honest about this: She doesn’t think gays should marry, women should have the power to choose, or minorities have the same opportunities for work that the rest of us have.
Claire Freda is a Mitt Romney Republican, and she should admit it.
She’s also solely negative. If Jen Flanagan had said at the debate last night that the sky was blue, Freda would have responded that:
- Flanagan was obviously an out-of-touch liberal because she believes the sky is a color represented in the rainbow flag of the gay and lesbian movement, and that traditional Democrats like herself are alienated by the idea of the gay blue sky;
- Flanagan’s mother and the late former rep Mary Jane Simmons were both nurses who wore blue scrubs, so Flanagan is obviously beholden to the special interests of moms and dead reps;
- Freda has noticed the sky in Fitchburg is blue when she has peered over the border, so Flanagan obviously cares more about the sky in the surrounding towns than the sky in Leominster. LEOMINSTER FIRST!
For Flanagan’s part, based on the debate last night it doesn’t appear that she was expecting the campaign to turn this nasty. She seems incredulous that the items she is most proud of have been attacked for being out of touch. Because she was not ready for this sort of nastiness, she seemed a little defensive during the debate last night. She had a little bit of that sneer and swagger that combined with her youthful looks and Leominster accent made her come across as a petulant teenager arguing with her mother over curfew.
In her closing statement, Flanagan outlined all of the things she has done for the city in her two years and made a good case for why she should be reelected. She would have been better served to hammer those points for the entire hour, rather than try to parry the criticisms of her issues. Jennifer Flanagan has been a credible legislator and will represent Leominster proudly for the next two years if we are smart enough to send her back to Boston.
Since Claire Freda is concerned only with Leominster, we would do well to leave her on the city council where she belongs.
Cross posted at No Drumlins.
Your analysis is very good. Rep. Flanagan has done, and will continue to do, an excellent job representing Leominster.
Voters face a clear choice: The past or the future.
Rep. Flanagan is ready to bring Leominster forward and not resort to what amounts to a smear campaign as she builds upon her record over the last 2 years. As Kerry Healey and Claire Freda will soon learn, gutter tactics stay where they belong.
I don’t know her personally (disclosure: I ran unsuccessfully for her DSC seat) but she doesn’t seem a very happy person.
I saw her at Bob Antonioni’s pig roast this summer. Senator Antonioni is very nice to welcome people from different campaigns (he was with Gabrieli – and I was there for Deval Patrick) but why Clare Freda was allowed to attend (if she didn’t bum rush the event) was a mystery to me. Look, I get it that she’s a sore loser because Flanagan beat her in 2002, but as a DSC member, to make those comments about the democratic party as she was leaving it was just obnoxious. She doesn’t want to be a democrat anymore, but she wants those votes? Bullshit. I would have tossed her out.
I was at the coordinated campaign office in Leominster last week for a meeting and Jen Flanagan showed me the flyer you mention in your post. It’s right out of the GOP playbook:
The picture Freda uses of Flanagan in her flyer is so stretched out – I don’t think it’s going to fool anyone. This race is not a beauty contest, but at least Jen Flanagan looks like she smiles once in a while. Not sure the same can be said of Ms. Freda.
Was she the guest of honor?</b?
Claire Freda makes Muffy look kind and compassionate.
for finding this hilarious, I know Clare….. her heart is in the right place, as for the rest of her I can’t even guess. I certaily would not vote for her and think Jen is doing terrific
…but people shouldn’t feed me such obvious straight lines.
to apologize……nice ummmm work
I used to run into Councillor Freda every once in awhile. She’s been through a lot in her life, so I take that she’s pretty defeated. She should stay on the city council- I know she’s liked there and gets thing done. Leominster is a great city.
I wrote in Tony Lorenzen in 2004 just b/c I didn’t know enough about the Dems running for the seat (remember, this was during the height of the debate over same-sex marriage and that was my top issue.) I know Flanagan from several dealings, and she did a decent job taking over for Simmons, who for the last part of her term, was very ill and eventually died in office. If I still lived in Leominster, I would vote for Jen.