Jen Flanagan was reelected by a landslide! What a shocker! I expected her to win closely, but 24 points?! I figured it would be around 600 votes, not 2,200...And Patrick wins Leominster by over 2,000 votes! What a turnaround! Remember, … [Read more...]
More Ben LaGuer bombshells?
He said that offer was upped to $100,000 shortly after. The telephone number Mr. LaGuer said he received is the number for an attorney at [a Boston law firm]..... Steve Kenneway, president of the Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated … [Read more...]
Revisting the BMG primary endorsments…
Jack Robinson (R) for Massachusetts 9th?Interestingly, for a while this seemed the most covered of these races here. There has been an interview with Jack, and the candidate has also become a somewhat active poster. Personally, though Steve … [Read more...]
Stunner: Worcester T&G endorses Patrick
In debates, political ads and on the campaign trail, Deval L. Patrick has laid out a broad and appealing vision for moving the state forward. He also has demonstrated a refreshing inclination toward consensus rather than confrontation, … [Read more...]
Worcester 4th — The case against Claire Freda
As such, Freda's campaign has been an entirely negative one. She has yet to provide a rationale for why she should be elected. As far back as April, Freda questioned Flanagan's priorities in passing legislation to provide for more school … [Read more...]
Sentinel and Enterprise defies logic, endorses Healey
That's why we're endorsing Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey for governor.It's no surprise that the Sentinel and Enterprise endorsed Kerry Healey--editor Jeff McMenemy wrote a column (disguised as a news article on their website) two weeks ago … [Read more...]
Vote Yes On Three
Voting yes will give child care providers the ability to unite and speak with one voice in favor of improvements including: * Higher safety standards to protect children; * More training for child care providers to raise the … [Read more...]
Rep. Flanagan’s tough fight
And if that weren't tough enough, Flanagan may have to defend the legislature's actions at this week's Constitutional Convention, specifically the votes to table the Health Care amendment and to recess before taking up the anti-gay marriage … [Read more...]