Sponsored by Blue Mass Group, Boston Drinking Liberally, Brookline Drinking Liberally, Cambridge Drinking Liberally, Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century, Mass Democratic Future / Young Democrats of America, and Young Professionals for Deval
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If you prefer riveting drama to pre-party partying, go over to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (just a block away from the State House) to see James C. Rehnquist argue Benjamin LaGuer’s case for a new trial. It’s on the docket for 9:00 a.m.. You won’t miss the inauguration because presumably the Chief Justice will be presiding over both events.
It will take place on:
Thursday, January 4th 2007
Courtroom One, Second Floor
John Adams Courthouse
One Pemberton Square, Boston
(You might also be able to Blog the event – but probably in the hallway.)
I think I figured out how to use Google Maps to better effect. Try this link for a better MAP.
I could not tell from the post – sorry !!