On the Talking Points Memo post, I don't have the same read that Charley does here. The problem identified by "JB" was not a lack of anti-plutocratic populism -- though I think that has been part of the problem underlying the spinelessness … [Read more...]
Mitt’s Corporate Taxes
Mitt Romney is now making the laughable claim that his effective tax rate is “really closer to 45 or 50 percent.” Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo explains the spurious rationale: Romney’s argument is that even though he pays only … [Read more...]
The $18,000 Verizon bill: time to end “fine print” abuses
(I'm a lawyer, and personally, I'll read something like a lease in its entirety -- but everything else just gets a quick glance. It's simple math: I expect to pay $18,000 over the course of a year-long lease, so I take the time to … [Read more...]
Tonight, Alibi, 6-10: Join David @Liberty on Politics, Tech, New Media
@Liberty is hosting an event on Politics, Tech, and Social Media, tonight at Alibi at the Liberty Hotel, from 6 to 10. Join David along with Matt DeBergalis from ActBlue and Ari Herzog, social media strategist and Newburyport City … [Read more...]
Gatesgate, part two (now starring Globe reporter Yvonne Abraham)
The email itself, courtesy of Fox25 Boston: What no one has reported (yet) is precisely what got Barrett so exercised. A small amount of digging reveals this column by the Boston Globe's Yvonne … [Read more...]
BMG Inaugural Party TONIGHT
Sponsored by Congressman Michael Capuano, Blue Mass Group, Boston Drinking Liberally, Brookline Drinking Liberally, Cambridge Drinking Liberally, Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century, downtimonline.net, Mass Democratic Future, Young … [Read more...]
Inaugural Pre-Party, Jan 4 — save the date
Sponsored by Blue Mass Group, Boston Drinking Liberally, Brookline Drinking Liberally, Cambridge Drinking Liberally, Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century, Mass Democratic Future / Young Democrats of America, and Young Professionals … [Read more...]
Tuesday 10/31 — Campaign ’06 Night at the Bell in Hand
Drinking Liberally has two Boston area chapters, and is about to add a third. Come join us every week at Boston's home for all things progressive, and promote democracy, one pint at a time. -- Boston: Wednesdays, Globe Bar, … [Read more...]