I heard something on the news tonight about there being a change from “tradition” in the handover of the statehouse tokens of power from one governor to the next and the inauguaration. I heard that Mitt Romney will give up the proverbial ghost on Jan 3 but that the inauguration of Deval Patrick will not be until Jan 4 on the steps of the Statehouse. I don’t get it. Can someone explain what is going on? Why break with tradition here? What is the message being sent. Who was it that wanted the change? Does anyone else feel uncomfortable with this? Are we going to see Mitt Romney shake hands with Deval Patrick and effect the peaceful handover of power or not? I think there should be a public handover of power with a handshake.
What is going on?
…the first thought that comes to mind is that people are finding a way to get a bigger pension.
arrived from Deval central today:
I remember the crowd when Cellucci did the handover to Jane Swift. Because the State House was being renovated at the time, and the front staircase was not available, the handover was accomplished at the top of the Grand Staircase, in front of the stained glass windows, and Cellucci walked down THAT staircase instead.
And the people were hanging from the chandeliers!
I see his point. The handover is usually inside and the departing Governor usually does the symbolic walk down the statehouse steps. Now that the inauguaration is outside, Romney would look foolish leaving the event. Looks like they worked it out amongst themselves. Hey, he was the governor and no matter anyones opinion (including mine) he should be treated with respect leaving.
Just as long as he leaves. Ha!