People who blog, especially every day, or even people who just write comments are going to make frequent typos. Typos, unfortunately, are as much a part of blogging as opinions. None of us have editors, except for maybe Arriana Huffington. Few of us spend days writing a particular peice, writing daily sort of goes with the territory.
So if I write “Congressman” so-and-so, instead of “Representative,” please forgive me. If Rep “Doug Peterson” somehow makes it on my blog, instead of the correct Doug Petersen, I apologize. Seeing as how I write about these things a lot, I assure you all I know we don’t have state congressmen. Since I vote for Rep. Petersen every two years, I know it isn’t in fact Peterson.
Snarkiness is fun, but at every typo? For heaven’s sake! When you type fast, you’re going to make those mistakes. When you read for a quick edit (and believe it or not, I usually do that) it’s easy to miss.
So… for future reference, here are some other frequent typos I make (just to get it off my chest). I’ll switch ei for ie. I know i goes before e, except for c =p Furthermore, I used to write “asswhole” instead of “asshole,” but I’m quite convinced that only the latter people constantly corrected me on that mistake. People who read blogs need to read for content, not grammatical flourish. Perfect grammar and no spelling mistakes ain’t gonna happen, folks.
(And yes, I know “ain’t” ain’t a word. It’s my attempt at a little irony. So was my piece at the top.)