More Massachusetts Republicans are endorsing anybody-but-Mitt for President in 2008.
Rudy Giuliani just announced his “Massachusetts Leadership Team”.
It’s comprised of Paul Cellucci, Richard Tisei, Michael Knapik, Bruce Tarr, Brian Lees, etc.
And we know that Jane Swift and other MA-GOoPers are supporting John McCain.
So the two preceding chief executives and four of the six most recent MA GOP State Senators are for Giuliani or McCain.
Other than House Minority Leader Brad Jones and former Gov. Bill Weld (R-NY), what MA-GOP prominent elected officials are with Romney?? (Does Kerry Healey count as prominent?)
Please share widely!
I was at Mitt’s Boston Kickoff, and I can say that a majority of HOUSE members (a larger number!) were there in addition to Brad Jones. You wouldn’t know who they are – George Peterson, Jeff Perry, Vinny DeMacedo, Karen Polito, Susan Gifford, Don Humason, Paul Frost, John Lepper, several others. As far as State Committee people go, well, most of them were there. Two out of 80 publicly support McCain, and Guiliani doesn’t seem to have any.
The DA’s and Sheriffs were there as well.
Since Brian Cresta’s main accomplishment was mismanaging the Mass GOP financially, to the point where they had to move the offices to Wakefield (!), I’m just as pleased to hear he’s on Team Guiliani as I was to hear Rob Gray had signed up with McCain!
PP – The first paragraph of the press release says [bold is mine]:
I was just so overwhelmed by the return of Brian Cresta….
i could easily support Mitt – too soon to tell but I like him.
Boy you guys really hate him around here though, huh?
(us being the people of Massachusetts) first.
just to see him get crushed in the general election, but I think that the wheels will fall off before he makes it that far. He’s been running against MA for the last year, and charging MA taxpayers to foot the bill for his security while he’s been campaigning. Cynical doesn’t even begin to describe Romney.