I’ve been testing around Deval Patrick’s new website – having loads of fun. Seriously, it’s FUN.
Anyway, I realized it makes perfect sense to have a coalition on the site with members who read, write and otherwise contribute to leftyblogs in Massachusetts. So, I started a group and ask that you all join! It takes about 20 seconds and can help us add a new level of power to our messages to the Governor. I already know he cares about what we have to say, but this is just one way to make sure he’s pushing our issues as hard as we expect him to do so.
Join up and help decide what exactly will be our issues!
Update: if anyone is having trouble joining, try clicking here.
Also, there are some kinks to the system, such as anyone can add an issue to the coalition. Hopefully, the issues will become majority-rule, but for now we’re going to have to bear with it and make sure that issues we all care about have the most votes within our coalition and are added to our coalition (which I actually don’t know how to do yet, but clearly someone does because they added an issue I don’t support =p)
It doesn’t seem like I can join your coalition. I can only “vote” for issues the coalition is in favor of.
That’s disappointing, really. I want to form a coaltion of local progressive types and I think I can probably get some of them to sign up. But I want it to be broad-based, not necessarily issue based. I thought maybe I could use this tool to throw it together quickly, but I’m not sure that it’s able to do that yet.
I’d also like to see devalpatrick allow a “friends” network similar to that of DFALink or facebook. I think that might be handy…
That’s a good idea. There’s a link at the bottom of the home page for feature requests.
I’m not affiliated with that site or the Patrick campaign/administration. But I do make my living working for a Web site, and really like hearing what our users want on the site where I work. I suspect most other Web staffs do, too.
although I suspect that would take some time to develop and code.
Besides, I’d like to see how it’s currently going to be used before they go changing the structure altogether. I imagine they had conversations about whether to make social networking a part of the site and decided against it. It may be that they feel that DFALink or Facebook or MySpace or whatever already does a good job at social networking and this would just be one more thing people sign up for and wouldn’t gain traction. Who knows.
Still, I’d like to be able to have that social networking feature as this is a community where I think I’d find people I won’t elsewhere…
for letting me know. i’ll invite you.