Author Ilona Meagher has written a book, “Moving a Nation to Care” about the challenge we as a community will be dealing with for generations to come. Some DailyKos readers may have read Ilona’s work and she also maintains a comprehensive blog on all issues related to the physical and mental health of our soldiers and veterans.
The event, to be held this Thursday, May 10 at 7:30 pm at the Back Pages Book store in Waltham (368 Moody St.), will be the launch of her national book tour. But, as Ilona writes this is a community event that “will be a shared discussion and learning experience” for us to learn about the challenges and develop grassroots solutions to help our neighbors.
Also, PTSD is an issue that often, untreated, becomes part of my case load. I wish there were no stigma, and everyone suffering this kind of pain could just get the help they need. As it is now, PTSD often leads to divorce, and sometimes, to DSS removal of children.