It is not that I find Putin to be my favorite world leader. But there is something to be said for his concerns. I really do see a contempt for human life in secret rendition flights to “black holes” and torture, to ICE raids as if some people are not quite human, and the weakening of the Bill of Rights, as well as the attack on the concept of “innocent until proven guilty.”
Putin also stated he would never forget, nor would his people, the heroism of the western allies.
Also, I would far rather see “Victory Day” as the main holiday in Russia then what May Day once was.
Please share widely!
new best friend of BMG = Vladimir Putin
Oh this is great!! LMAO
Hey if this guy offers you a drink . . . just say no. DO NOT eat or drink ANYTHING from this guy. And if he really insists, just ask for bottled water.
All kidding aside, I think the word “nazism” gets thrown around alot, and usually by people who frankly have no idea what it was like to live under nazi rule. But with that said, I think you make a lot of good points like the rush to Iraq for example.
But you are wrong on these ICE Raids. They are just enforcing the laws. You’re a lawyer right? If you don’t like the immigration laws just change them.
After the horrors that have taken place in Chechnya during this guy’s reign (and reign is an accurate discription), not to mention his attacks on free press (including offing people who were trying to actually have a free press) and his myriad attacks on the institution of democracy in his country (including, but not limited to, getting rid of the democratic process for regional gov’s – he selects them now)…
I don’t really care what Putin has to say. And I say that as a person who doesn’t like one thing about the Bush Presidency. However, as bad as Bush has been for Democracy in America, Putin has been at least twice as worse for Russia.
He has been poison for Democracy in Russia.
But, unfortunately, what is being said about America, and our current administration is true. Bush has been terrible for democracy in America – and to approve of torture, secret tribunals, and renditions is heinous.
Russia has been comparing anyone or anything that they perceive to be a rival “Nazis” since 1945.
Recently they have denounced NATO and EU member Estonia as Nazi-ridden because Estonia had the temerity to remove a statue of a WWII Soviet soldier–affectionatley known by Estonians as the Unknown Rapist– to a military cemetary rather than in the central square of Talinn.
Chechnya has seen the use of force by Russia to a degree that would make Dick Cheney blanch.
And really, bad as the recent US policies you cite are– and they are pretty bad– comparing them to the Third Reich (i) makes you seem like a Noam Chomsky kook and (ii) cheapens the evil in Europe from 1933-45. Lumping immigration enforcement in is likewise destructive of your credibility.
It’s of him when he was a kid. He looks like he is going to kick someones ass. This guy scares me.
Future superstar of the KGB