I just wanted to let everyone know that I’m going to be liveblogging tomorrow’s ConCon, probably making a few posts based on what I hear (during lunch, etc.). I’ll be posting both at my site and here, on BMG.
Mike is going to be there too, but he’s posting afterwards. Chris Mason is going to be there as well, I just don’t know what he’s up to in terms of blogging.
Update: I can’t sleep tonight, so spent a while and wrote something I hope people find a little extra worthwhile. It’s time this thing is over, for good. Enough is enough.
So, the liveblogging did NOT work out. Sorry guys – I tried everything, I walked about 20 minutes trying to find a suitable place… there was no signal outside the state house.
Anyway, I’m going to write one helluva diary to make up for it. Technology, as great as it is, can also suck =p When will Boston go wireless? (Soon, but not soon enough).
The debate will be webcast too. I’m glad you’ll be there, Ryan, commenting on what the webcast can’t cover (all the action outside the chamber doors)!
Bay Windows is also blogging the concon.
This day is going to live on in history as the turning point for gay civil rights, and we will have been there to see it. Ryan, Mike, I will look for you. Best wishes to all!
I followed the link to your blog — which I had never seen before — and you are doing some excellent work.
I am one of those folks that gets too wrapped up in day to day life often to pay attention to more than one or two issues at once. Riding to work today I listened a bit to the radio and Finneran was arguing the procedural ethics of the whole thing. Looking forward to checking back tonight.
If anyone else needs something to laugh over to dispel a little pre-concon tension, check out the Kiki & Herb retorospective at Bay Windows. I may have to make room on my Steve & Edie shelf. đŸ˜€
Well my friends, here we go!
Let us hope that Deval as twisted enough arms to get the vote to go the way it should.
Let us hope that if there is a vote there are not 50 yes votes.
let us hope this issues dies today and we do not have to go through a year and a 1/2 debate before the November 2008 election.
Let us hope our state representatives have look at the consititution and know that voting on civil rights is wrong.
BayWindows is live blogging.
This has been a distraction and we need to move on, so the Legislature can focus on more important items.
Not to be mistaken, this is an important issue but one that has been slowly dragged out because those opposed to gay marriage are somewhat bigoted and cannot stand the thought of equal rights for gays.
With that said, I fully support the rights of gays and I personally am not affected by this, although I think those opposed are and I think it’s damn shame because I know a few people who actually are deeply involved with anti-gay marriage campaign and they’re good people, but misguided in their views.
i see on the bay windows site that the dark side has come equipped with prayer actors. let them be reminded of what Jesus said
Saw this late, Laurel, and I’m DEFINITELY going to steal and use this!
Bright orange shirt advocating for peace. Big handwritten sign about sperm and eggs and civil unions.
I tried not to make eye contact…
Another man is standing near the State House with a sign that reads, ?Support the Egg and Sperm Civil Union Compromise.? He is passing out literature that calls on Congress to enact a law that would create civil unions for same-sex couples while also banning all cloning. ?Same sex conception is unethical and unsafe and should not be allowed,? his peace sign-adorned pamphlet reads. ?We should all be created equal by the union of a man and a woman?s unmodified genes.?
I was outside holding a sign for a while (and I saw the “eggandsperm” guy) then went inside. Already seen several people I know, including Sonia Chang-Diaz and Georgia Isman (who managed Pat Jehlen and Claire Naughton’s campaigns and now runs Mass Alliance).
I also ran into my friend Malia who I had lost touch with, and found out she’s gonna marry her girlfriend who she started dating back when we were in college!
(the quote is from Sonia đŸ™‚
I wish I said “hey cos,” but wasn’t 100% sure it was you.
We’ll have to fix that someday.
Cos, I thought you knew everybody!
We met at the Lt. Governor’s Forum in Cambridge, remember?
The big problem was I – in a Britney Spears moment, while cramming to finish writing a 20 page paper – decided “hey, I’ve never shaved my head before,” and proceded to use the buzzer on my Norelco and do a very scary hack job. It’s grown in since then, but it wouldn’t be easy to recognize me since we’ve only met once before – and briefly at that.