First there was the indictment of the chairman of Rudy’s South Carolina campaign. (The charge was cocaine trafficking!) Of course, he also has good friend Bernard Kerik who’s about to be indicted on several felonies. Now Multiple Choice Mitt has his aide take a leave of absence for making prank phone calls impersonating a state trooper. The aide’s name is Jay Garrity, and he’s had issues before. From the Wyoming Tribune-Eagle:
Jay Garrity, who serves as director of operations and is constantly at the side of the former Massachusetts governor, is accused of leaving a lengthy message with the answering service of a plumbing company on Mother’s Day, identifying himself as “Trooper Garrity” of the Massachusetts State Police and complaining about erratic driving by a company driver.
Garrity also has been accused of telling a New York Times reporter who had been following Romney’s motorcade in New Hampshire last month that he had run the license plate of the reporter’s rental car, and that he should break away from the caravan.
In 2004, Garrity was cited and fined by Massachusetts officials after a Ford Crown Victoria registered to him was found to have lights, a siren, radios and other law enforcement equipment – including a baton – after it was parked illegally in Boston’s North End. At the time, Garrity was paid $75,000 annually as Romney’s gubernatorial chief of operations.
I don’t know about Garrity, but I’ve always thought that these guys who like to pretend they are police officers had the psychological profile to join the Third Reich.
?physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse?. those are the charges against WILLARD ROMNEY’S UT finance guru, Robert Lichfield.
Just what kind of company does this Willard person keep?
An elderly member of my family is a huge pack rat. For some reason, they keep all the back issues of old magazines (National Geographic, Boston, Life…). I tease them for it, but I actually enjoy looking through them and seeing how some headlines change and some don’t (“Middle East Heats Up”- would be the most recurring one).
A couple months ago I read a hilarious puff piece profile of Mitt from the September 1994 Boston Magazine, during Mitt’s Senate loss to Kennedy. I copied it because it contained a truley classic passage about how Mitt almost never sweats, but when he does it doesn’t smell- which I thought a friend of mine would enjoy. Anyway, it also contained this passage, which is relevent to todays news:
“For all his energy, Romney was a lackluster athlete, but he excelled in both his studies and his daring pranks. Once, he hosted a formal dinner for four in the middle of an eight lane highway connecting Bloomfield Hills and Detroit. When his father became governor, Romney would dress as a police officer and pull over commuters on the same highway.”
Two thing should be said in Mitt’s defence. First, the article never says where these stories came from and Mitt is not quoted telling them- but they do seem to come from people friendly to Romney. More importantly, some juveniel pranks don’t compare to the weird bs apparently pulled by an adult with a high ranking job in a presidential campaign.
That said, it’s a weird coincidence that Romney’s guy would go down for this.
peice. The Globe did a few nauseating puff – peices on Mitt and Healy last summer and fall.
Part of me wishes this story didnt happen yet since Mitt easily has enough money to just go out and hire a sane person to make everyone forget about Garrity. As a story it will be one day. On the other hand if Mitt is clueless enough to have someone so close to him this wacky — who knows maybe we are in for more strange tales of Mitt Staff.
I understand Garity’s boss used to impersonate a pro-choice Republican.
I heard he once impersonated a governor.
…was caught. he fled the state of the crime before he could be tried in the court of the voting booth.
I never seen “Hubris” personified before, but here he is…
…two Republicans contending for the Republican nomination have employed people who impersonate police officers. Now Romney, and before him Rudy Giuliani (Bernie Kerik). I’m coming upon a pattern.
many of them impersonate defenders of our national security, so it only makes sense.