It’s cool when a candidate takes a chance and bucks the traditional in order to talk to voters. Today, the Eldridge campaign launched its first weekly episode of Jamie TV, a You-Tube, rough-cut, off-cuff Jamie in front of a raw camera talking about the campaign and the issues he’s running to support. You can tune in any Wednesday for new episodes.
In the first episode, Jamie talks about health care (and he gets in my favorite line, in reference to his opponents, “I’m not running for Congress to accept political reality, I’m running to create political reality.”). He sums up nicely what the differences are between himself and the other Dems in the race. He also lists some new endorsements, including Progressive Democrats of America.
johnt001 says
Every time I see Jamie, I’m more convinced that he’s the right candidate for the district. He ended asking people to volunteer – here’s this week’s schedule of volunteer opportunities:
This week we have many volunteer opportunities to get involved in the campaign, please contact Neel Chaudhury ( or David Emer ( to get involved.
Wednesday 7/11 4pm – 9pm
Canvass Methuen
Meet at Acton HQ
Thursday 7/12 5:30
Canvass Acton
Meet at Woodlawn Cemetery parking lot Acton
Thursday 7/12 4pm – 9pm
Canvass Andover
Meet at Acton HQ
Saturday 7/14 11am
Canvass Carlisle
Meet at home of Bob Wallhagen
64 Timothy Lane, Carlisle
Saturday 7/14 10am
Canvass Concord
Meet at home of Pat Hart
97 Minot Rd, Concord
Saturday 7/14 2am
Canvass Ayer
Meet at Ayer train station parking lot
Saturday 7/14 10am
Canvass Littleton
Meet at home of Jane Chrisfeld
22 Mill Lane, Littleton
Saturday 7/14 11am – 2pm
Canvass Billerica
Meet at Market Basket
496 Boston Rd, Billerica
Sunday 7/15 11am
Stow/Maynard/Hudson regional canvass
Meet at home of Kate Hogan
36 Hastings St, Stow
Wednesday 7/11 6:30pm ? 8pm
Campaign HQ
136 Main St, Acton
Thursday 7/12 6:30pm ? 8pm
Campaign HQ
136 Main St, Acton
Boston Phonebank
Every Thursday – 6pm – 8:30pm
Metropolitan Boston Real Estate Office
297 Newbury Street Suite 301
Boston, MA
bobvm says
I am a strong support of Jamie and think this is a great idea and well executed. Thanks for the post.
afertig says
The video strategy has caught the eye of Matt Stoller over at his new site Open Left. Definitely something to watch.
vote3rdpartynow says
It’s on YouTube. Why isn’t it called Jamie YouTube?
raj says
Why is it called Jamie TV when it isn’t on TV?
…you can get to by typing in the new Internet domain designation “tv” instead of “com.”
What’s your next kvetch?
vote3rdpartynow says
are you saying I can get to or using my television? If I can then it would be fine to say JamieTV because I could get to it using my TV.
Will Jamie be following up with messages sent by Blackberry? Then we can have JamieBlackberry too. Or how about JamieBeeper? Better yet, JamieHam for those people who still use ham radios. In the North End Jamie could have JamieYellingoutTheWindow.
JamieTV – what will he think of next? He has leadership written all over him.
raj says
eury13 says
just for JamieYellingOutTheWindow.
You’re comments are about as worthwhile as your political designation, but this one was hilarious.
johnk says
I don’t know if you are just posting this to be a jerk or if you truly wanted to know. Check any candidate, Mitt, Patrick etc. it’s the standard naming of videos posted for a candidate. It’s basically what it’s called. Kind of like asking why to they call a refrigerator a refrigerator.
raj says
…this is an interesting development. But I wonder how long youtube will allow people to basically advertise for free. Maybe they will have to institute a “stale date” after which posts are deleted, since storage is not exactly free.
vote3rdpartynow says
all the progressive ads. The progressive ads are filled to overflowing with absolute fact and logic based information while the GOP ads are filled with propaganda brainwashing and false advertising. Everyone knows it.
In fact we should make a law that changes the name of YouTube to BlueTube and allow only videos that denegrate Republicans. How sweet would that be? I would spend all my time in the fuzzy warm blanket of truth known as BlueTube.
We can make Deval Patrick the King of BlueTube and force children to watch videos dealing with gay/lesbian sex issues while eating Trans-Fat free french fries. I know that sounds harsh, but we have to wash their little brains clean of all the evil right wing mindcontrol that has gone on at their homes and churches. Anyone that tries to post a video that mentions God would be sued and imprisoned – and beaten. To make room at the prisons we can let out all the victims of racial profiling that have been arrested wrongly over the years – you know, like Ben LaGuer.
I think I like posting at BlueMassGroup. It’s progressive.
sabutai says
Your name may have changed, but you’ll always be to me.
Maybe to you, it is censorship to delete a 4-year old video of Danny’s Little League game that nobody has watched in 3 1/2 years, uploaded on an account that hasn’t had a log in in 3 years. To most of us, that would be good business sense. Computer memory isn’t quite free, yet. Personally, I hope they don’t delete some old Republican clips, of Romney denouncing his party, Giuliani ranting against ferrets, or Trent Lott or George Allen throwing racial slurs.
But if you got a hankering for censorship, you can’t go wrong with, or , both unintentionally hilarious sites managed by conservatives keen on stifling expression.
raj says
… exercises some idiotorial supervision over their space, unlike Wikipedia. Unfortunately, for Conservapedia, it shows what idiots they are.
In a perverse kind of way, I wonder if they are being intentionally inane.
sabutai says
They are transparent about their goals, especially lately. I remember at the outset, the front page was a bland copy of Wikipedia. Now, with their Bible quotes, Fox News headlines, and self-branding with the American flag, it’s pretty clear to which version of reality they’re linked.
p> is a great site that deals with Conservapedia, and is the hq for, what some would term “online direct action” against them.
raj says
…As I’ve long posted (not only here recently, but elsewhere long ago) follow the money. I really do believe that.
vote3rdpartynow says
Trust I am no longer I have not only changed my handle, but changed my political affiliation as well because of George W Bush and his moronic ideas about letting 20 to 30 million illegal immigrants invade our country without recourse. Of course, the impotency of the state party helped as well. In my departure from the GOP, after 26 years no less, I never gave the Democrats a single second of consideration. I think Democrats are enemies of this great nation.
As for censorship, we are staring into the face of it with the move by Democrats to regulate talk radio because the conservatives have a lock on it. In typical liberal fashion – when your not competent enough to compete then you must regulate. Soon enough we will listen to the unbridled drivel of liberal loonies spewing their venomous socialist plague on the taxpayer financed airwaves. The government that was built to protect my liberties is planning to take my money in order to finance radio shows that will tell my children what a horrible land we live in and how we need to give more money to socialize children to become progressives.
As for YouTube clips, my favorites are of Ted “last call” Kennedy calling Barack Obama – Obama Bin Laden.
alanf says
Which one is it: “The conservatives have a lock on it” or “when your [sic] not competent enough to compete then you must regulate”? I’ll answer for you: the first. And it’s not that the content of conservative talk radio is better OR more profitable. In Columbus, there’s a perfect example. The Clear Channel station there (WYTS) became MORE profitable when they switched to progressive talk, and LESS profitable when they switched to conservative talk. But the management (the Bush-friendly Mays family) is willing to lose money by staying with the same old conservative gas-bags as long as it furthers the Republican party. So you’re right — they DO have a lock on it. Smartest thing you ever did was to abandon that party. There’s hope for you yet.
tim-little says
That’s hilarious… warped, but hilarious! (Still dithering whether to rate 3, 6, split the difference, or just let it go….)
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
is that dirt or turd under his nose?
And he let’s Michael MOORE SPEAK FOR HIM.
vote3rdpartynow says
That was gripping. I really liked the part when he moved a little and showed emotion. What a leader he is. That is the kind of get-up-and-go that we need to replace marty meecham. Now, I don’t mean to imply that during the video he got up and went anywhere, but nonetheless.
We should call him the great communicator. Ronald Reagan doesn’t deserve that title anymore because he is dead. I think we should make a law that once you are dead you can’t have a nickname anymore. Somebody get on that right away.
I can hear it now – Jamie Eldridge: Congressman. Hey, can we start his presidential exploratory committee now? I want to be on the list of volunteers now that I can help once a month.
I like that he didn’t try to impress us by dressing up, combing his hair or washing his face. That shows that he is a man of the people. No stuffy Republican presentation filled with waving flags, trumpet songs or renditions of “God Bless America”. Afterall, we hate America, don’t we BMG buddies? Let’s meet tomorrow for a we hate America rally at Deval Patrick’s house. The one in Milton, not the estate in the Berkshires.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
a candidate for union rep at the local post office. not congressional at all.
He has a little too cool for school in him.
trulyblue says
Wow, I love how a guy tries to express his views through a free medium on his on website and you bash him. Its insanity, I mean then you people come on here and complain about how politics is awash in money. Candidates spend millions of dollars to convince the sheep that the American Voter is to vote for them and you hate that but when someone tries something different you bash him too. You wonder why congress is polling at 18%, we are in debt up to our eyeballs, our government lies to us on a daily basis and there is no change in site. It just amazes me. So lets keep electing more of the same. Niki is a Reagan Democrat, Barry is a conservative yes man to business, and Eileen is no leader, but it’s ok. Lets elect people with no experience or a strong position, hey that works for me as long as they are gone in 2012, but then it might be McGovern because he has a progressive record so we may want to get rid of him.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
he comes off like an intern making a home movie. i don’t mind the medium he usues. he just sucks at it. in my opinion.
the last thing he looks like is a congressman.
boo hoo hoo, the other candidates didn’t come to my movie night. The Michael Moore candidate
and BTW jamie is the name for little boys and smokin’ chicks. Not men, and certainly not congressmen. In my opinion
charley-on-the-mta says
You’re right. He should run as “Jack” Eldridge.
BTW, Deval did the same kind of thing on his video clips, speaking in the campaign office with signs and clutter behind him. He’s governor now — maybe you noticed?
What does a “congressman” look like? Maybe this guy?
Great hair. Handsome. Good name — though maybe he should change it to “John”.
thinkingliberally says
As someone who has come to support Jamie recently, I found this video to be adequate, but I would have liked more. I appreciate the substance, and I think Jamie’s personality is his personality. But there was something about it that wasn’t ‘like, wow, I’m going to forward that onto all my friends so they can see how great Jamie is.’ If I was trying to raise money for him, it’s not what I’d link to.
They need to do something more exciting, more interesting, more engaging, that gives people the idea of why he’s the best candidate. This didn’t quite do it.