Dick Howe sorry, Marie also notes the coverage of MA-05 as being defined as coverage of the Tsongas campaign. So we’re not alone in noticing that the others have gotten short shrift from certainly the Globe, and as we noticed, the AP, which inexplicably seems to have completely forgotten about one candidate that’s raised six figures.
And Dick Marie points us to this column by Wayne Woodlief, noticing Barry Finegold’s apparently considerable skills as a candidate. And indeed, Finegold’s strong second-place showing in fundraising ought to be a real story. I’ve seen it in the health care meeting in Hudson — he does come across as a quite thoughtful and serious guy.
In any event, we should keep looking to the Lowell Sun, which continues to crank out good and useful stories on the MA-05 race, like, as something yet to be decided on how people feel about the issues. How refreshing — it really feels like a big old-fashioned town meeting over at the Sun.
Can we have more of this, Globe & AP? Just cover the race as a race. Let’s not decide the thing halfway through.
Why aren’t they pointing out that she has spent a half million dollars and DROPPED over ten percent in the polls.
I’m not just about the horserace, but isn’t that significant?
Are you saying that the Globe is not our Bible, that it doesn’t know everything that is best for us peons, Charlie? I thought that the Globe inspired good little liberal doobies everyday.
I may decide to start unilaterally deleting comments that offer only sarcasm, and have no greater point. For now, a zero.
I think Mark here is a wonderful advertisement for the intellectual vacuity and recklessness of modern conservatism. Though his comments do sometimes annoy, I doubt I’m as nonplussed by them as true conservatives on this site are.*
* I know Mark here has decided that he’s not a Republican at the moment, but nobody but him takes the Reform Party seriously. His point of view is clearly close to that of a large segment of the GOP and can still be reasonably identified as such. Why he left the party of Duncan Hunter is beyond me.
Just FYI. đŸ™‚
And, yeah. Annoying. The Globe makes itself more irrelevant by the passing day.
Charlie, me boy: the greater point is that you liberals confine yourselves to certain “approved” sources of information, which you then treat as almost holy script. Are you really afraid that someone might dare to challenge the “Globe” on your site? If so……I’ll let you draw the conclusion.
Charley critiques the Globe all the time. In fact, liberals on blogs have been critiquing the media a lot in the last five years. In the cases of Somersby, for example, longer than that.
Could you spare us the condescension? The conservative side of the spectrum has not exactly endeared itself to the American people in the last few years.
And one that reveals an almost total lack of knowledge of what BMG has been up to for the last couple of years. Edgar, maybe you should actually read the site before you start making foolish assumptions about how its editors think about these things.
As a relatively new subscriber, I am willing to stand corrected. But I seem to remember one of you using last week’s Globe as an agenda for discussions. (a la NY Times inspiring the Drive-By-Media) Why do you people take any criticism so emotionally? Can’t we disagree without being disagreeable. Some of my best friends are liberals.
we have to get the news from somewhere, right? We don’t get paid for this, after all. And there are basically two news sources in town: the Globe and the Herald.
As for disagreeing without being disagreeable: methinks you might look first to the beam in your own eye.