Immediate Release for August 22, 2007
The site http://www.marjoried… launched a new and improved website.
Councillor Decker explains that her goal is, “To pull in new voters by allowing them to read about my past issues and policies. The site is a source of useful information and campaign updates for both new and old Cambridge voters. We are hoping to engage voters in a more interactive campaign. It’s not easy to find people at home or get them on the phone for those we miss on the campaign trail we hope to connect with by way of the website.”
Cambridge City Council candidates this year are utilizing electronic media to grab voters’ attention and to make them more enthusiastic about local politics. The new and improved website is taking aim at using the momentum created by last falls gubernatorial election that brought in more minority groups to cast their vote for Governor.
Councillor Decker’s will serve as a tool for the election and her council work. By having a weekly campaign blog, alerts about the campaign, other local events, making a campaign contribution on-line, or contacting Councillor Decker directly, this allows the campaign to reduce the use of paper and costs associated with mailings. Councillor Decker stated, “This campaign has made an active push to utilize electronic media while incorporating time tested traditional campaign activities from door knocking to public visibilities.”
Please contact the campaign at or (617) 714-3861 with questions or comments.
centralmassdad says
Did the guy get busted for failing to capture the A-Team?