In the Boston Globe, Christine Wallgren reports that officials from 17 surrounding communities and two regional planning agencies will meet tomorrow with Gov. Deval Patrick’s economic-development czar, Dan O’Connell, to ask that Patrick make no decision on casino gambling until the issue has been thoroughly studied. From the context, I’d say they want it studied to death. Good.
At Cape Cod Today, Peter Kenney keeps pounding away at Marshall, and opines that he’s still calling the shots behind the scenes. Well, maybe not after tomorrow night.
Please share widely!
ryepower12 says
A lot of the things he has to say are very damaging, so I’m curious to hear about his biases and prejudices. Don’t get me wrong – Glenn Marshall doesn’t sound like I guy I’d be friends with and I certainly disagree with his cause (building a casino), but it’s important to have the full story too.
peter-porcupine says
…and posted about him yesterday HERE.
He’s a very skilled carpenter, and that is his ‘day job’. His late wife, from whom he was divorced, as a very gifted artist. However, for just about ten years he’s had his TV show called The Great Gadfly, and he has long been a ruthless commentator on town/Cape politics. One thing – he takes a lot of time, but he does research and he can back up what he says. He’s relatively new to blogging, but in a sense he’s been doing it VERBALLY for longer than blogs have been around.
He and I have worked together in a larger group to abolish the Cape Cod Comisson, but other than that we haven’t had any direct association – and besides, he disapproves of my opinions on that matter. Still friendly, but not buddies.
ryepower12 says
He was saying a lot of things that I’d just oh-so-love to hear in my quest to block what would be a terrible thing for Massachusetts… it’s at these times that we, as people, need to be most careful in who we place our trust in. So, I was just curious =)
mcrd says
Why the pejorative? I mean the guy has someting to say, and right off the bat he must be a “hater”.
Give it a rest. Does everyone have to have an axe to grind?
ryepower12 says
When people come out of the woodwork saying all the things you want to hear, that’s the time you should be the most skeptical. Just ask the Bush administration and their primary source of most of their info on Iraq and Hussein – Ahmed Chalabi. Boy, was he saying a lot of things we wanted to hear.
So, it’s not that I’m ‘hating’ on him, it’s just that I wanted to know a little bit more about him – given the fact that he was saying things that are golden to my ears.
raj says
…”hate” means anyone that you disagree with. You disagree with a policy of GWBush–you hate him.
That is a sad debasement of the Amerikanische Sprache (which is why I don’t use the word “English” to characterize it) but the sad fact is, that it is true.
What you have to understand is that, whereas “disagreement” is an intellectual term, “hate” is an emotive term. Which is why they–the politicians and their hangers on and advisors–use it. Americans are profoundly emotive. Intellectual? Not so much.
peter-porcupine says
…his fame hasn’t necessarily crossed the bridge. I took it as a fair question about somebody I happen to know – that’s why I answered it! :~)
trickle-up says
I hope I am wrong, but it seems to me that the story will end up being, “Casino politics threatens tribe.”
heartlanddem says
Any news on the Regional meeting with O’Connell and the abutting towns to Middleborough that was scheduled today?
Mayor Bissonette (D) Chicopee, was hosting a Casino (get to know your dealer) discussion this evening, too.