This week’s edition of the Phoenix takes the Provincetown Police Department to task for being part of the problem when it comes to recent instances of violence against gay men. They take square aim at the practice of putting summer cops on the police force with minimal training, as happened in Provincetown this year. Indeed, summer cops who had had no training in sensitivity to the law enforcement needs of the GLBT community beat up Barry Scott. Here’s the link to the Phoenix:…
Meanwhile, Provincetown’s police union is suing the Town in the Mass. Labor Relations Commission in an attempt to pressure the Town to select a police chief from within the depleted, demoralized, and much-criticized ranks of the current patrol force. Provincetown is conducting a wider search, which is the only hope for a police chief who will stand up for civil rights and stand down gaybashers. Here’s the link to the story in the Cape Cod Times: http://www.capecodon…
A 4-part series will soon break at on Provincetown’s “Summer of Hate.” Until there is a qualified, progressive police chief who can put a priority on stopping hate crimes and can work effectively with GLBT victims and their advocates, the Provincetown Police controversy will stay alive.
….This is being called a hate crime in TRURO right next door.
Now while I DO think it is an Eyesore Crime, and perhaps Tim Gunn needs to visit – smiley faces as a hate crime?
This term is being thrown around WAAAY to much, and is cheapening actual CRIMES.
The offending fence–
p>So the big gripe here is that the owner of the fence painted “black faces” on his fence. From what I can see, those faces are yellow. (Yeah, the outline is black, but what other color would you logically use to contrast with yellow?) Maybe if the neighbors were Asian, instead of Jamaican, an argument could be made for a “bias crime”, but from what I can see, all that the fence owner is guilty of is being a dick.
the smiley face is a pop culture icon. i wonder if this is a case of the complaintant not being familiar with some of the cultural symbols. on the other hand, wal-mart has appropriated the smiley face, so i can’t blame the guy for feeling like he’s being threatened with predatory capitolism.
A Worcester invention!
You have asked what appears to be your first serious question!
p>The gentleman who invented the smiley- Harvey Ball was from Worcester, and designed the image for a Worcester-based insurance company.
You have asked what appears to be your first serious question!
p>The gentleman who invented the smiley- Harvey Ball was from Worcester, and designed the image for a Worcester-based insurance company.
…it may interest you to know that the pink flamingo lawn ornament was invented (designed) by a company out of Leominster MA.
Laurel – the official complainant is the neighbor who has the Jamacian guys working for him. He lets them stay in the building where he is operating a non-conforming commercial business of landscaping and construction work.
John Rice has lived in Truro for years, so I think he is familiar with, if not appreciative of, Mr. Morris’ artwork.