In my blog today, Ed O’Reilly Blog, I discuss the decision by Secretary of State Rice, to implement simple “rules” rather than “rules of law” relative to private security agencies operating in Iraq, the Military Commissions Act if implemented in Iraq, as well as the Iran Warmongering by the Bush Administration.
The decision today by Secretary of State Rice to implement “rules” relative to security agencies operating in Iraq clearly rejects suggestions by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates that security contractors be placed under military control. U.S. military commanders and officers in Iraq have sharply criticized the contractors, and North Carolina-based Blackwater in particular, for behaving like “cowboys” and undermining U.S. objectives for bringing stability to Iraq according to today’s Washington Post
I have a question: If Iraq had a Military Commissions Act as we do here in the United States, could people serving in Blackwater and other “security” companies be categorized as illegal alien enemy combatants? If so, it would follow that these American Citizens would then be subjected to a legal system that excludes the protections of the Geneva Convention, denies Habeas Corpus and the right to a civilian attorney, and could leave them imprisoned for years without a right to a speedy trial. In reality, as the law now stands in Iraq, murder by these contractors could arguably be above any law.
In terms of Iran, VP Cheney and President Bush seem to be proceeding with the rhetoric that will lead us into some type of military conflict with Iran. The propaganda is not meant to sway the European Community, as both Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney are stating, but to convince us, as Americans, that we must use military force against Iran. We must respond to this war mongering in order to stop the momentum at its earliest stages.
I firmly believe that this Administration is intent on military action against Iran, not to protect Iraqi civilians or our troops, but to protect the oil industry in the southern part of Iraq–prior to their leaving office.
As a U.S. Senator, my voice would be loud and clear on this issue. The beating of the drums of war must be silenced by rational dialogue and aggressive diplomacy.
Ed O’Reilly
Democratic Candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts
Coalition Provisional Authority proconsul Paul Bremer’s purported 2004 exemption of Blackwater and other mercenaries from obedience to Iraqi law is a sordid aspect of the unprovoked, criminal U.S. invasion of another sovereign nation.
Armed to the teeth, those U.S. mercenaries, and subject to neither U.S. military discipline nor Iraqi law? If that made them illegal enemy combatants, they can apparently be criminal defendants in Iraqi courts now.
The Iraqi cabinet today reportedly revoked Bremer’s shameful order. (http://www.americanp… 24 Oct. 2007,
“Think Fast.”
Maybe, just maybe, Secretary Rice’s new Blackwater “rules” will include turning accused Blackwater killers over to Iraqi authorities for criminal prosecution. Obviously, nothing less will satisfy the sovereign nation of Iraq.
The Blackwater fiasco is just part of what the U.S. has done wrong there. Ed O’Reilly has the right of it. We must stop this warmongering President and Vice-president from taking their disastrous show on the road to Iran.
October 24, 2007 11:43 AM
It really is amazing (and sad) that a drunk Blackwater employee, accused of killing an Iraqi bodyguard, was ushered out of Iraq with our government’s help.
There is a rally for peace this Saturday in Boston. It is extremely important, I think, that every time we talk about Iraq, we need to talk about Iran.
We need to get out of Iraq (beginning immediately in an orderly manner, but we also need to stay out of Iran!
I hope I am wrong, but I see the clouds thickening with Bush and Cheney controlling the climate.
I hope you get a chance to look at my website.
Ed O’Reilly
Do you have any more details about the peace rally this Saturday? Or a link to the organization or organizations organizing it?
It is at the New England United website The rally starts at noon on Saturday at the Boston Common and the march starts at 2:00.
Sorry, I didn’t get you the link as I didn’t check here yesterday. I’m glad you found it and I see that lolorb has helped with even more details.
If you see me at the rally or the march, please stop and say hello.
Ed O’Reilly
is organizing the rallies across the country (United for Peace and Justice). Here is their web site. There are going to be mobilizations in Boston, Chicago, Jonesborough, Tenn., Los Angeles,
New Orleans, New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia,
Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and Seattle. The organization is based in NYC and they can always use help. During the first anti-war rallies in NYC, I assisted UFPJ by selling t-shirts, pins and bumper stickers to the million or so protesters who streamed down Broadway. UFPJ is well organized and always needs volunteers.
Thank you, Lolorb, for jumping in with more of the details. I hope to see you at the rally.
Ed O’Reilly
and I say this as one of your persistent critics here. Thank you.
I appreciate your positive feedback. I just decided to post what was on my mind today. I truly feel we, as Democrats, must take the lead and frame the issues rather than re-act to the Republican media machine.
This Administration certainly knows a whole lot about the axis of evil. They are at the controls.
Ed O’Reilly
Maureen Dowd in today’s NYTimes (24 Oct 2007) says: “Cheney seems to enjoy giving the impression that he is loony enough to pull off an attack on Iran…” She compares him to Nixon and Kissinger who used the notion of Nixon being a madman to scare the Soviets. This is what we are up against: madness.
Pete Stark was right the other day when he forcefully criticized Bush/Cheney for their warmongering. Unfortunately, he later caved in and apologized for speaking the truth. I guess the Dem/Repub mutual back-scratching team got to him.
I like Ed’s openness and forthright perspective, not afraid to use plain language. You are right: the ‘axis of evil’ is in the Bush/Cheney regime.
…the Blackwater situation in Iraq. Is there no extradition treaty between the US and Iraq regarding miscreants that the US is harboring? If not, why not?
Hi Raj,
You have touched upon, possibly, the best alternative to apply in these situations–the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act.
There was a really good article written in the International Daily Herald on October 10th.
This article talks about the immunity given to the 100,000 contractors working in Iraq and gives a little history about how this all came about.
It is clear that Secretary of State Rice’s “rules” falls far short of what should be the rule of law.
I hope the above International Daily Herald article helps clear up some of the confusion although it actually seems to lead to more.
If the situation was reversed and Blackwater employees were from Iraq, and operating in this democracy, they could be considered illegal enemy combatants and thus, not entitled to the protections of the Geneva Convention, habeas corpus, speedy trial or the benefit of a civilian attorney.
I think we need to lead by example.
Ed O’Reilly