John Kerry must commit to filibustering the nomination of Michael Mukasey! It is not only Mr. Mukasey's refusal to call waterboarding torture--which it is--but standing idly by while this nomination goes through the Senate sends yet … [Read more...]
International Law and Iran
In my blog today I stated that Iran is a sovereign country and any attack upon it would be a violation of International Law according to the Charter of the United NationsThe Bush administration wants a dialogue to begin about attacking … [Read more...]
Warmongering about Iran, Cowboys and Blackwater, Military Commissions Act
In my blog today, Ed O'Reilly Blog, I discuss the decision by Secretary of State Rice, to implement simple "rules" rather than "rules of law" relative to private security agencies operating in Iraq, the Military Commissions Act if … [Read more...]
What Is Red and Blue But Green ALL OVER?
As a Democratic Candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts running for the seat currently held by John Kerry, I was appalled by the Democrats failure to address a tax loopholeWashington Post for some of the wealthiest people in … [Read more...]
Lighting Up Bush’s Dark Secrets
There may be hope yet for our Constitution. The Washington Post reports today that, in a rare move, the Chief Justice of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court instructed the Bush Administration to register its views about a records … [Read more...]
Yearly Kos, Senator Kerry AWOL, and Our Constitution
In many ways, "netroots" really is confrontational and does hold politicians accountable. In the 1960's and 70's large numbers of people just showing up for a demonstration was a statement. At YKOS more than 1,500 people showed … [Read more...]
Kerry’s Actions Not His Words
A few days ago, I wrote an article entitled "Kerry's Almost, Kinda-Sorta Leadership on Climate Change, Not Quite Enough" http://www.bluemassg... I stated that I support the Boxer-Sanders Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act as … [Read more...]
Kerry’s Almost, Kinda-Sorta Leadership on Climate Change, Not Quite Enough
I'm challenging John Kerry in the Democratic primary because I think Massachusetts deserves real leadership in the U.S. Senate. I also think the people of Massachusetts deserve someone who talks straight and whose policies come from the … [Read more...]
Ed O’Reilly Supports Marriage Equality
Yesterday was a great day for the many people who worked so long and hard for marriage equality to finally take a deep breath and enjoy equality in every sense of the word. It was also a great day for all of Massachusetts because we looked … [Read more...]
Hitting the Trail
Today marks the beginning of ?taking to the trail? in my campaign for the U.S. Senate. It is a great honor to first appear before the Beverly Democratic City Committee tonight. In the next two weeks, I shall be in Wakefield, … [Read more...]