I don’t make up rumors…I just spread them. There is a good one bouncing around the rightwing blogosphere suggesting that FOM (Friends of Mitt) were behind negative push polling calls in Iowa and New Hampshire that have been labeled anti-Mormon.
Some folks on the Right are taking this pretty seriously. Most are giving Romney himself a pass, but many wonder about the judgement of some of the people around him.
Please share widely!
as our window on the Right.
Some excerpts of calls, which seem pretty rancid.
GOOD news is, we’ll get an answer. The calls were made in NH as well as Iowa, and NH has special laws passed in the wake of the telephone scandals of twoyears ago. Romney and McCain have both called for an investigation (after calls slammed Romeny, they asked if McCain wasn’t a great guy, implying he was involved).
My personal money is on Sam Brownback, who got caught doing this last winter.
I suppose he could have his committee doing it, though.
And he did endorse McCain.
…involves robo calls alledgely made by RNC types to alienate voters against Dem Paul Hodes…of course this is NOT to be confused with the 2002 NH Republican phone scandal which sent a couple of people to jail.
CSPAN recently showed a video of John F. Kennedy speaking before a group of Protestant ministers in Sept. 1960 that is worth viewing. You have to click on the link labeled “Sen. John F. Kennedy’s 1960 speech….”
The video starts with some clips of Romney speaking about his religion and shows a focus group talking about it. The Kennedy piece starts about 10 minutes in. JFK actually took questions from a somewhat hostile crowd and handled them masterfully. I could not help but think while I watched the video that the way JFK speaks about the separation of church and state is so different from how GWB seems to view it.
Based on some of the focus group respondents’ comments, it looks like Romney’s campaign for President could be hurt by the Repubican party’s past partnership with fundamental Chrisitian groups. How ironic.
This election is for all the marbles and in his case(Romney) this is the spot he has wanted to be in most of his adult life. Lest we forget that in his business he knows how to consumate the deal. INMHO this is the biggest deal of all. Could he be behind the calls?? No bout adoubt it!!