Have you seen the headlines?
The squabble to be first in deciding the nation’s fate is intensifying. Early states are cleverly inching their primaries in a race to secure voting influence for their citizens. By the end of February, we’ll know who the presidential finalists are before more than half the nation gets a chance to vote, let alone meet the candidates. Sound Fair?
Check out the primary schedule.
The heavily frontloaded primary schedule does all of America a disservice. Leaving the power to decide who the next president of the America can be to a handful of people is just not right. The demographic make up of all the early primary state, even combined, does not accurately represent the American population. For instance, isn’t New Hampshire the third wealthiest state in the nation?
With less than a month left, there seems like there’s no hope. The Washington Post reports that the American people are being tempted by pessimism, and are losing faith in our political system. But, not to fear.
Register to host a caucus at www.nationalcaucus.com and get involved.
It seems like there’s no hope but to accept the circumstances. However, I came across this website, the National Presidential Caucus, that looks to give voters a fair chance to voice their opinions before the primaries kick off. It’s not a national primary or anything like that, don’t let the name mislead you.
Here’s how it works:
1) Post your caucus online
2) Meet offline with some friends, neighbors, whomever to discuss candidates and issues
3) Post your results from your discussions online
It’s as simple as that. It’s really just an effort to encourage and empower civic engagement and voter opinions. So why not…
How can we claim to go across seas to build a democracy, when our own political system at home is suffering? Get involved. sign up to host a caucus in your neighborhood today.
2. they’re idiotic
3. im not in iowa and thats not fair
p>im going to experiment with this site… might give it a ‘whirl…
it only takes a second to post the caucus online. just get some friends or whomever you like to meet offline, then post your results collectively online. want to give it a try?
Both the GOP-Eight in Hingham and the Lower Cape GOP Council held straw polls – both attended by more than 100 people – and all candidates were listed on the ballots.
p>Or is this a Dem-Only thing?
I rarely say this — because it’s rarely true — but the Republicans’ run their exercise in a much more reasonable and democratic fashion. My understanding is that Republican Iowa cauci are votes that occur at a certain time. The Democrats….not so sensible.
Things I don’t say here, I say here
Although you must understand – as a Swede, we look down on Finns because…well…they ARE Mongols, after all. Just the last remnanat of Khan’s hoarde, stopped short by the ocean – you can tell by their slanty eyes….
p>I esp. liked the post on gold…
We actually held a straw poll earlier in november. but for the purposes of this round, go ahead and create a caucus and when friday rolls around, post your results. sign up to post a caucus: http://www.nationalcaucus.com
p>its worth a shot.