The email continues: Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable. Attend five different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded. If you spend three years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black … [Read more...]
Offshore Drilling and Production / Prices
First Comment: Name: David Shaffer Hometown: Harleysville, PA Doc -- Here's a thought that I don't see being investigated or reported on by the MSM. Why is it now that the subject of offshore drilling is such an important issue? Why wasn't … [Read more...]
McCain’s Reward Points for Astro-Turf
continuing with the article: That, in essence, is the McCain campaign's pitch to supporters to join its new online effort, one that combines the features of "AstroTurf" campaigning with the sort of customer-loyalty programs offered by … [Read more...]
Thoughtful opinion on one of the problems with Billary
Today's NYT carries the thoughtful comments of Garry Wills. New York Times Long known for his insightful critiques of politics, government and religion, Mr. Wills makes the case that Hillary's election unavoidably creates a plural … [Read more...]
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Endorses Barack Obama
Link: This well written endorsement, by Jay Bookman and Cynthia Tucker, offers a rationale based on the challenges our country faces and the desire among the electorate for meaningful change. … [Read more...]
His Expediency Speaks
His remarks here. Seems to me a net plus for him on the road to the VP nomination. Or whatever. Let the spinning begin. … [Read more...]
Have You Read the Headlines?
Have you seen the headlines? The squabble to be first in deciding the nation's fate is intensifying. Early states are cleverly inching their primaries in a race to secure voting influence for their citizens. By the end of February, we'll … [Read more...]
Vote for yur candidate of choice for president online – NOW
Go to:http://democracyfora...The link did not work for me, I had to use the text version.My candidate of choice remains John Edwards. … [Read more...]
IMISS IMUS (with poll)
I must confess to being a long time Imus listener. I listened in the 1970s when he was unleashing Moby Worm on unsuspecting high schools in the New York Metropolitan Area, and he didn't care "if it rains or freezes, long as I got my … [Read more...]
Tagg Romney Apostasy
This video -- portentously titled "The Decision" -- purports to be a Romney family gathering to decide if husband/dad/father-in-law/grandpa Romney will run for President. As cloying and fraudulent as this video is, there's one moment of … [Read more...]