While I always thought, in a Democracy, politicians were beholden to the people, apparently it’s actually the other way around.
The progressive community is behaving childishly. The Governor can’t make good things happen by magic. We actually have to unite behind some initiatives and really push for them, like we did for marriage equality, to be successful.
The Governor’s a smart and well-intentioned guy. Instead of playing patsy for the Republican smear machine, you should be out there supporting him on the things on which you do agree. You aren’t going to get someone better in the office.
Great idea, Bean in the Burbs. Ignoring the fact that the progressive community has united behind several of the Governor’s revenue proposals, let’s all just quit this messy business of d.e.m.o.c.r.a.c.y., annoint the Great One and go home. That way he and all of his infinate wisdom can make the difficult decisions for us. After all, there’s no reason to disagree with him, he has our best interests in mind. It’s not as if anyone should ever be concerned about addiction, the destruction of local business or whether or not there’s enough facts to justify major new policies that would alter the Bay State’s landscape forever (literally – and figuratively).
What a relief! I’m glad I don’t have to care about things like policy issues anymore. Now I can go turn on the tube and watch all about Britney Spears all night long – I hear the latest is she has Multiple Personality Disorder. Oh no!
Just because some of Deval’s policy decisions go against everything most progressives stand for (including me) – and he used the might of progressives (including me) to get him in office – doesn’t mean we, the progressive movement, should actually criticize him – after all, why should progressives criticize a governor who’s for cutting corporate taxes when they’re the 40th lowest in the country? That’s not what Democracy is all about, right Britney? After all, if we criticize people in our own political party, it’s like we’re giving into the terrorists or something. /snark off
Let’s all consider this a continuation of my last diary, but add the following subtext: if you’re going to flame someone, at least make sure the fire you direct at that person actually makes sense, especially when the criticisms directed at the person were each thwarted in a matter of seconds (but I’ll leave the messy details for the comment-loving masochists).