Now, I know the liberals know a little bit about what this is like, with their insane Bush-hatred syndrome. But I think the Hillary-revulsion is different in some way – Bush hatred was around after 2000 for sure but it was really stoked up by Iraq, and topped with his, shall we say, less than stellar ability to communicate.
But Hillary’s never done anything except get too big for her britches in the early 90’s and explode a socialized medicine plot, then carpetbag her way into NY and icily triangulate. And yet, trust me liberals, she is as hated as Bush is. I’ll leave the root causes for another post, but if you understand Hillary revulsion, or at least you can understand the magnitude of the analagous Bush-hatred, then you might consider the theory that the ferocity on the D side in Iowa may have been due – at least partly – to the opportunity to defeat Hill.
Wishful thinking?
(xpost – RMG/BMG)
the solidly justified hatred of Bush? Because “getting big for her britches” is nowhere near comparable to losing 3000 soldiers lives over non-existent weapons of mass destruction. But if I seem insane for holding a grudge about a President failing in Iraq, let’s take a look at what a conservative on Free Republic wrote about Hillary:
p>(Oh, that guy’s crazy. He believes improbable things with no supporting evidence. What’s more, he owns a gun. Hope he doesn’t live near anyone I know.)
p>Demolisher, you are thinking wishfully. Hillary’s negatives never seem to 47%. Bush’s disapproval ratings are way up in the 60s. Here’s a pdf of CBS/NYT polls of Bush Approval and Disapproval over the years. The latest numbers are in bold print at the bottom.
p>So, to get to your question, as you admit, you hadn’t marshaled any evidence, but you thought it was worthy of consideration. The CBS/NYT polls are evidence, and that evidence doesn’t support your theory.
p>Time to put that theory away and start thinking about who’ll meet the Patriots next week.
Patrick dug up this American Conservative article on the subject. It’s well worth reading.
You are talking about Iowa here, a place where life is slower and people are not as into the New York talking points of the second. Country is country. I would love it if these evangelicals accepted the fact that 911 was conducted for the profit of Halliburton but you just can’t get dedicated people to wrap their heads around this.
p>Apparently country though is growing a brain in realizing Hillary has the psychic ability to convincingly lie to an audience simply be her presence in the room.
p>Obama however has escaped scrutiny as country did not research Obama’s patriot act renewal Yea vote. Endorsing Bush’s “war of terror” with this vote just as surely as Pelosi’s HR 1, the other endorsement of perpetual wars for perpetual profits.