10. Date Oprah Winfrey
9. Make substantial donations to MoveOn.org, Media Matters and DailyKos
8. Will give up his crush on Matt Damon, in favor of Denzel Washington or Samuel L. Jackson, or whoever is Obama’s favorite
7. Get Fox to change it’s slogan the day he comes on show to “Fair and Obama”
6. Create new, nasty culture war of Obama’s choosing
5. Will go to any restaurant with Obama, and not be surprised
4. Let Obama write forward of new book: The O’Reilly Factor for Black Kids
3. Create line of loofahs and donate all profits to his campaign
2. Say Keith Olbermann’s name , on-air, as much as Obama wants
1. Will dress up as Dumbledore for the interview
Bonus Bill-O Links
Crooks and Liars: Video of O’Reilly calling Obama staffer an “SOB” and “low class”
Chicao SunTimes: Sweet: Fox’s Bill O’Reilly in confrontation with Obama staffer at rally. UPDATE
Bill O’Reilly – Amy Polumbo Lecherous Interview
Pundit Watch: ‘Pinhead’ 16-Year-Old Schools O’Reilly