[I am already up to draft 5, and figure there will be dozens more – but thanks for sharing and for the inspiration that came from your post, Charlie. I don’t know how to correct my original post, so will continue to update this diary as I revise and correct the poem – thanks for sharing. Deb]
Many voices
Painting with Sound
Creating with Harmonies.
String and wind and voice
Woven into music
Harmonic Fires with Ruby Hearts
and silver traceries in the mind.
Pounded keys
wind-created jewels
spinning like flames within the soul,
flowing, like the water of life.
Your long-darkened eyes beneath their tufted brows,
still watch, still listen, still an Elder Shepard,
Watching over all who perform your music
from some other realm.
Silently,your distant, unseen lips move, the eyes
like silver and flame in the darkness of the mystery of time
your baton, invisible but still palpable, blesses.
Music was born in your hands and mind and soul
in those soul- fires
were shaped
harmonies, that continue to come forth
now, new and old.
Water and Wood
Wind and Fire
Shaper of Music and the Soul.
Deborah Sirotkin Butler
March, 2008
Revision 5