[I am already up to draft 5, and figure there will be dozens more - but thanks for sharing and for the inspiration that came from your post, Charlie. I don't know how to correct my original post, so will continue to update this diary … [Read more...]
How to make Al Gore President:
How to Make Al Gore PresidentTo all who care about our country and our planet:On October 10, 2007, Al Gore's Chief of Staff in the White House said of a possible Gore candidacy, "He's not ruled it out in the future." When asked by a … [Read more...]
National Draft Gore Movement Strong and Thriving
Many of you have shared with me your enthusiasm and interest in Gore being our next president. I understand that time and location has made it difficult for you to participate to the extent to which you may have liked in the national draft … [Read more...]
Draft Gore in Massachusetts, it’s time
In five days Draft Gore Massachusetts will kick off a signature drive to place Mr. Gore's name on the ballot for the Massachusetts Democratic primary in March. There are regional Draft Gore groups in Eastern Mass (Boston/Cambridge), … [Read more...]
Hi Folks,The America For Gore Coalition has put together a petition asking Democracy for America to please officially include Al Gore in their next straw poll. The last poll they had garnered 13% for other, which they said was hands down Al … [Read more...]
The Ethics of Stop-Loss
Standing Tower Guard on a 6' scaffold at the Federal Building in downtown Bellingham, [WA], Iraq Veteran Evan Knappenberger, 1st BDE, 4th Infantry Division, started a week-long vigil on June 1st to draw attention to the US military's … [Read more...]
We have recently started a Draft Gore 08 site on You Tube. It features a simple video asking Gore to run for office. The purpose of the site is to intensify our growing voice and give a face to our movement. WE ARE ASKING ALL AL GORE … [Read more...]
Deja Vu All Over Again!
That day we felt that we had met a soul brother and a person of rare quality. Since that time Gore has run three national campaigns, been there, done that. In his last campaign for president he was savaged by the press yet still won the … [Read more...]