Many of you have shared with me your enthusiasm and interest in Gore being our next president. I understand that time and location has made it difficult for you to participate to the extent to which you may have liked in the national draft efforts. NOW is your opportunity. There are several important efforts that are taking place in the next couple of weeks and each of them is in need of funding in order to ensure its success. Please consider making a donation to the following:
Our group in Michigan faces the most daunting task – 12,396 valid signatures are required by October 23rd. in order to place Al Gore on their ballot. While volunteers are doing everything they can to surpass the required minimum, the number of signatures needed is overwhelming and it is necessary for us to hire additional help to ensure that the efforts meet the required deadline. Even if Al enters the race as many hope he will after the announcement of the Nobel, these signatures will still be needed. THIS AT PRESENT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT EFFORT OF ALL THAT YOU CAN MAKE A DONATION TO:
*To make a donation please to click on “send money” and making a contribution to (no spaces) mark “service/other” for your donation. THIS IS THE Michigan PAYPAL SOURCE, so this money will help them in their petitioning efforts.
* is placing a full page ad in the NYTs, that I anticipate will be timed with the release of the Nobel. Funds are needed to help pay for this ad, as it is a very, very expensive endeavor. If you have the means to make a second contribution, please consider going to and making a donation.
If you would like to see more about the efforts happening across the country (and abroad) I highly recommend the following link:
It is a wonderful summary of our national efforts, and has many links to our state groups, press coverage, and ways to get involved.
I have waited until now to ask any of you to make contributions. I understand that for many who have not followed it, the draft movement may still seem like an unlikely bet. I urge you however to reconsider. Not only because I believe Al Gore has the integrity, passion and experience to lead this country out of a terrible mess and address global warming as a priority in a manner that no other candidate has done; but also because I believe that if we as people do not get involved in choosing our candidates, and instead continue to select from a pre-made “menu” that is spun and created out of a media with no substance then we will continue to play our part in passively allowing the continued decline of our democracy.
The draft movement is not about drafting Al Gore–it is about drafting the people. Please join us.
Kerry Lusignan
“We have to go far, quickly”
Recent articles on the national movement:
The Washington Times
He is going to need it since he will be competing against Rush Limbaugh.
of a big week for both Al Gore and the Draft Gore Movement.
Kerry is right, the draft movement is at least as much about us as it is about Al, and there is no time like the present to pitch in a spend a few hours gathering signatures on our petition or help in some other way. Draft Gore in Massachusetts can use your help today.
Just shoot an email to or contact us at Mass4Gore
Draft Al Gore for President in 2008.
–For our Constitution. –For our country. –For our planet.
If your candidate for president actually wants to be president, and doesn’t view a campaign as akin to surgery without anesthesia.
Eisenhower proved to be a strong candidate even though he didn’t declare until after the New Hampshire primary.
But he is a lousy campaigner. Lousy campaigners are neither good nor bad presidents.
Al Gore has said that there is nothing he would love more than to be president–however it is unfortuntately true that political campaigns as they are now run are something akin to surgery without anesthesia.
The sad reality is many good candidates do not get to focus on the issues that really matter, and in fact have to spend the majority of their time raising money and engaging in superficial and staged debates.
Al Gore knows this. He has had 8 years experience as a Congressman, 8 years as a Senator, and 8 as Vice President of the United States. His extensive experience has seasoned him to the realities of our system-that our campaign and presidential election process does not work.
Focusing on the issues that matter – restoring our democracy, stopping global warming, and empowering the people on a grassroots level is what Al’s campaign is about, and it has inspired and reinvigorated thousands of people.
Al Gore knows that if he is to be our next president, and if we are to work effectively as a democracy, we must all act now. That is what the draft movement is about.
You can continue to play it safe and settle for a cookie cut-out media driven candidate or you can seize this rare moment in history to be a part of something truly unique-a presidential “draft” of a candidate who has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and who has dedicated his life to solving what may well be the most serious problem our species (and others) will face. Al Gore speaks with actions–and his actions speak to us far louder than the words of the countless politicians puppeteering on stage.
Join us in this historical and critical cause.
No money on hand
No staff in the field
Name not on ballots
I’m sure he could raise a lot of money. But enough to catch up or keep up? A lot of the water has been taken out of the well and it’s not bottomless.
And though he could activate a lot of voters that aren’t committed or are committed to other candidates, can he activate that many?
I am very happy to see Al Gore doing such important stuff. But I do not think a presidential campaign is a doable thinga this point.
I wouldn’t be crestfallen to be wrong on this. But I’m not writing any checks, either.
A 13 minute video documentary on DVD, “Wherefore Al Gore,” tracing the history of the draft-Gore movement in Massachusetts is available FREE to the first 25 people who ask for it ( Be sure to include shipping address. It will be mailed same day I receive your request.