Hillary's “chief strategist” and noted hack-pollster Mark Penn is now minimizing his role in Hillary's campaign, continuing the public feud with “senior adviser” Harold Ickes, who says it's all Penn's project.
There's just such a jarring contrast between the exceptionally smart, charming, funny and well-prepared candidate who shows up at the debates and delivers pretty decent campaign appearances, and the group of shallow, petty, bickering — and by effect, disloyal — campaign operatives she's got trailing behind her. The candidate is plainly much, much better than her campaign operation. That's deeply unfortunate for her. However, the sooner folks like this are banished to political (and professional) Siberia, the better.
It was one of the first things I wrote on this blog — “The grassroots demand better hacks.” And these guys ain't it.
they says
Perhaps bloggers here are among the refuse-to-admit-its, but that “NIG” in her “who will be awake at 3AM” ad is totally unbelievable! And she approved the message, so she can’t fire anyone. Clowns, clowns, clowns, CLOWN.
theopensociety says
Obama apologized in the debate before the South Carolina primary that his campaign had pushed the race issue. In fact, they not only pushed it, they misquoted and edited statements by Bill and Hillary Clinton to support their baseless claims. It was a disgusting tactic that should have ended with his apology. Apparently, you did not get that message.
p>I did not give you a zero even though your post is offensive and baseless. If you think you are helping your candidate, you are not. It is so ironic that supporters of Obama, who claims to be all about uniting people, are so bent on divisive tactis. Enough. If he wins the nomination, he will need people like me, who organize locally for campaigns, and this type of stuff is enough to make me take a long break.
tblade says
What “NIG” are you talking about?
they says
It’s on the sleeping black child’s pajamas, right as the script gets to the “whether it will be someone who [and here they show a sleeping black child with NIGG label. There is no “or” to go along with the “whether” in the script, because the black child is the first choice, and the white child shown next is the person who] already knows the world leaders…”
centralmassdad says
Of course there is no “or” to go with the “whether.” Your vote will decide..whether the President will be someone who already knows the world’s leaders. The sleeping child isn’t the one who knows world leaders. How does that even make sense? Hillary is that person.
p>I have now watched that a half dozen times, and see no label visible on those pajamas.
p>Sheesh. Obama supporters tend to make McCain look good.
p>This entire thread is so baseless and offensive that I hope it is deleted.
tblade says
…that they is an Obama supporter. I could be wrong.
centralmassdad says
Upon reflection, you’re right. They is not an Obama supporter. I withdraw the portion of the above comment that relates to Obama supporters.
the-school-zombie says
I’m looking and can’t find it. Oh god someone please tell me it’s in there. I’m watching it and I can’t see the sign
the-school-zombie says
p>It’s 11 seconds into the add and it clearly says “NIG” right on that little trouble makers PJ’s.
p>That is definitely a racist ad. Shoot you didn’t see this stuff from Hillary 9 months ago.
p>NIG …. LOL
tblade says
I voted for Obama and like him as a candidate, but I’m turned off by some of the irrational messianic zeal with which some hard-core Obama peeps promote their candidate.
tblade says
I don’t think they are conspicuous enough to have the imact you think they do. And a White adult, I’m guessing the mom, is shown in the next frame, not a White child.
p>After seeing the BBC documentary The Century of the Self, I look at all ads and political messages with a suspicious eye, but I don’t see what you see here.
laurel says
by having them wear jammies with jumbled letters on them?!?!?! what will they be doing next, drinking from OUR water fountains?!
centralmassdad says
It isn’t a label it is the print pattern on the pajamas.
p>I hereby bet five cents that, to the extent that this silliness becomes an issue, some ad agency produces a pair of pajamas that has a print pattern of the words “GOOD NIGHT” on them.
p>Nevertheless, I advocate the deletion of this tentire thread, in the same way that absurd and baseless slurs posted about Obama have been quickly deleted.
they says
this really happened. You can join the people that don’t want to admit that Hillary approved a blatant subliminal racist message (heck, even without the subliminal part, it’s still racist) but that would be letting them get away with blatant racism.
chriso says
Is it subliminal or blatant? Try to be a little clearer with your smears.
laurel says
jeebus, ChrisO, get with the smear program! đŸ˜‰
they says
That’s the defense for it, isn’t it? It’s just a smear, because it couldn’t be so blatant, so it must be a smear.
centralmassdad says
who thought the mayor of Washington should resign for using the word “niggardly” aren’t you?
p>Just because some bozo like you announces something is racist-when it is obviously not–doesn’t make it so.
they says
This was a political ad, where every frame is there for a reason. And where, if there might be a few letters (“RATS”) or shapes (huckabee’s cross) in the frame, they will get discussed. Did no one notice the letters as they were reviewing the ad? That’s not plausible at all. Even without the letters, it’s an appeal to the latent racism that Obama will sleep through the phone call, but Hillary, a white suburban mother, is always alert and concerned. It isn’t really be about knowing the world leaders, that ad is about sleeping through the phone call, about stereotypes. Who does Hillary still know anyhow? I can’t think of one nation that hasn’t changed leaders since she was serving them white house dinners. That premise is phony, this ad is about sleeping or being awake, it’s asking “do you want a lazy n***** in the white house”.
p>I think your reaction is very strange. This is obviously racist stereotyping with many subliminal and overt messages and just because you will say that it isn’t intentional doesn’t give them a free ride to go ahead and do it.
p>Imagine if McCain or Huckabee came out with that ad in October. Would you notice it then?
farnkoff says
centralmassdad says
He will sleep through the phone call?
p>I suppose that if you spend youer time looking for subliminal racist messages, you will find them wherever you look.
p>Proprietors, I find this enire thread to be bizzare and outrageous. I note that it has been here for days, while similar accusations against Obama (madrassa, love child, Hussein) are removed within minutes.