Perhaps one could hope for coverage of the lack of materials our soldiers are receiving or the Iraqi government's lack of action?
Obama says to Clinton's idea of VP no way.
Cable news is going nuts over this whole thing.
Obviously most of these things are actually receiving some coverage (hence the links) but do we really need non-stop coverage of where the NY Governor puts his penis? Is it a story, yes. The story should, however, be relative to the size of his, ahem, stature in world news.
Please share widely!
Lots of Senate action, courtesy of MyDD…
p>GOP can’t find any red state Republicans to take on Senator Tim Johnson (SD) or Senator Mark Pryor (AR).
p>And Mike Ciresi dropped out, clearing the way for Al Franken to be the Democratic nominee for the Minnesota Senate seat held by cardboard cutout Norm Coleman.
Rep. King bowed out of challenging Senator Harkin for the Iowa seat. It looks as if the Republican Senate campaign has a lot of defending to do this cycle.
perhaps we can all head for Minnesota and work for Al Franken’s Senate Race…it took SNL to shame the political press and media into actually covering Sen. Obama like any other candidate…maybe we should get more SNL alum to serve in Washington…
p>In the coverage of the Spitzer broohaha, the biggest laugh came when one MSNBC reporter noted that Spitzer was a Super-delegate committed to Hillary Clinton, then showed Clinton’s picture next to Spitzer’s on the screen…wow! that explains his behavior! So clever, they even found a way to drag Hillary into a political scandal story that she had nothing at all to do with!!!
p>…and the beat goes on…the fourth estate has long since forgotten their higher purpose…they want to BE players now and they don’t care how blatant they are about it.
Unfortunately Libby Dole, John Cornyn, and Ted Stevens will likely get a free pass. Considering that this is a Dem year shouldnt the Dems recruit even second tier candidates? Look at Bill Foster nobody expected him to win that seat but he did. The term limited NC gov is pretty popular and has not frequented a brothel lately.. (sorry couldn’t help myself)
since after all he’s facing a top-tier challenge from Houston state legislator and Afghan war and Katrina evacuation hero Lieutenant Colonel Rick Noriega.
p>well-known state leg from TX’s biggest city+totally badass war hero+spanish speaking hispanic american candidate=
p>that race is gonna be a barn-burner
Anchorage mayor Mark Begich :
p>Begich will be by far the toughest challenger Stevens has ever faced. We have a small but real chance of taking this seat.
The only Republican who doesn’t have any announced challengers is Mike Enzi, the safer of the two Republicans up in Wyoming. Begich and Noriega will likely be strong opponents for Stevens and Cornyn. Begich was actually leading in recent polling. Dole faces more second tier challengers, but will not go unopposed. has detailed information about the 2008 races. He’s a partisan Democrat, but his information is reliable.
and have for some time now.
p>The trouble is you’re talking about states that don’t have deep Dem benches. Even NC, which has had more Dems than GOPs in office lately, is pretty weak.
p>Hopefully, we Dems are contesting far more state rep and state senate seats. That’s your minor league, and gaining ground there will also have a tremendous impact on redistricting.
ah-hmm . . .
p>except that sending the warmonger-in-chief to negotiate middle east peace isn’t really that funny.